
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cat A Rackets

Well haven't checked on my blog recently and it looks like I'm a hit in Russia. It is great to see tat people from all walks of life are open to changing how they see things in their lives.

I recently have been working a lot on my vision. My eyesight is not the best it could be an I have been looking for alternatives to healing my eyesight instead of going to the "eye doctors" who refuse to see that they are hurting peoples eyesight  prescribing stronger an stronger eye ware. Which continuously weakens the eyesight. They are as bad as the pharmaceudical  companies poisoning people wit drugs.

I have started with my seminar and it is moving and shifting my beliefs around my vision. Tanks to "man" and their dark vision for this planet an humanities future, I am constantly clearing old limited beliefs that prevent me from believing that we can live in total harmony with this planet, because there no planet Earth 2 to do to , yet.

All these limited beliefs that have worked against me started from as early as 3 years old, when my Mother first introduced to my first experience of poverty. That has negatively effected me throughout my entire life. All these limited beliefs like " I see the world with eyes of poverty" " I can't see how I'm going to take care of myself financially" " I can't see how I'm going to make it to my next paycheck" " I struggle for the bare necessities in life" and on an on it goes.

All this on top of working 6 days a week and still living paycheck to paycheck. I don't feel safe putting money my money in the banks because they support the oil industry which is destroying our planet. So I can only save at a local Credit Union because they don't support them.

Having all these limited beliefs about life has also caused me to manifest cataracts in both eyes, which has to with blurring my vision and reality about the life I'm living in. The inability to see ahead with joy." Cataracts are often caused by poverty and malnutrition, but also prevalent in the elderly, cataracts develop wen the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and progressively blurred. Tis blurs your vision of reality. It distances you from the details, perhaps because of a disenchantment with seeing a world of poverty, where you have to struggle for the bare necessities, or because the world seems so fearful. This is particularly so in the elderly and indicates a fear of seeing what lies ahead: the dread of impending helplessness, sickness, and loneliness. It can occur when you project a mental image of what will happen in the future, and then live in fear of this occurring. Withdrawing behind the cloudiness creates the illusion that nothing is really changing" out of a book I use a lot.

So I have been experimenting by taking off my glasses when I don't have to read anything or do anything important. This reduces the strain that my eyes are trying to keep by constantly adjusting to the prescription I have. it has stirred up some deeper emotions that I want to hide behind the cloudiness of my life. I can now use this technique along with other tools I have to restore my vision again. I am already starting to see subtle daily improvements.

When you only look for the dark side of life, that is what you will continue to see, and see more of it. It seems that today more then ever, people are hiding behind the cloudiness of their lives, because they believe there is no other way. I believe my new vision is to provide new hope for those who suffer with impaired vision. My new belief today is " I have enough money for today" I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I can only do one day at a time. Last night , wen I was almost asleep, the thought of money came back to me, I had to gently remind myself that I don't need money right now. It takes away the worry that is attached to it. That is the racket I cause for myself by adding worry to the problem. There is much more to life than we are truly seeing.

Thanks for reading my blog

Your Money Trailblazer


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