
Thursday, July 30, 2015

"Time" vs Time

"The things that are easy to do are also the things that are not easy to do"

I'm looking for another job. I wish for once in my life I could find work that feeds my spirit. Something that I can't wait to get up to do, and could work all night doing it and never get tired. What could that be? I love being in nature but that doesn't pay the bills. I came across an idea last night just before I fell asleep that I might look into. You know how it is, if you let others know about your idea, they will take it and run with it if it's a good one.. So I will keep this to myself until I have manifested it.

It is easy enough to do, I just need the money to get it going. It is not so easy to get it done. But I can figure it out, I am Miss MacGyver lol. I also have another idea that I must look at also, that relates to the first one. Are you frustrated that I'm not sharing my ideas? Well you'll probably be the first to know once I can get these going. I have to find out the cost of each item and then produce enough so that I can order more. Maybe even make a website so people can order then online as well. Hmmm

It's easy to think of ideas, God knows how many I've had over the years, but I never pursue doing them, because it's not easy to get the ball rolling, so to speak. I think , though , that once I would get it going, I might just have something that could change the way we think about time. Perhaps that's why I keep holding on to this idea, because I'm not sure if people are ready to look at time differently.

When I think of how much "time" has detached us from being present in life, we may just need a new way of looking at time in order to help with the lifting of the planet's consciousness. Hmmm, never looked at it that way before. This is probably why I'm blogging about is, so that I can look at my thoughts. What if we were given a tool to do that with? I'd better get this idea out there, before someone else gets it.:)

I shared my idea with one close friend and she thought it was a great idea and she would purchase one once I had them done. So be it. I'm on it. My creativity has begun. Looking at the way I write today, you wouldn't think I was this little Nova Scotia girl that lived in back of the woods, with the trees, the bears, the birds, the rivers etc. I've come along way

Not sure where the money is going to come from to do this, I'm out of work at the moment and working on find a job, it is out there, I just have to attract it to me. So I am asking for a position that pays me more money then I can imaging spending, so that I can give away 90% of it and still have lots left to feel financially free......

You Money Trailblazer

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You can't take it with you but you can leave it behind to do good

The past few days I have been grieving the loss of a long time friend. He had been in my life for the past 15 years but I had known him since my 20's. So I have not felt like writing. But I'm ok now.

I have since discovered a few things about money. I was invited to this free talk that was regarding having a conversation about money. Finally, a group that I could perhaps join and start the allowing the secrets of money out. But it turned out to be something else. He was marketing his business in the profession that he chose which was Money Coach. That peaked my interest.

I found a few books on this topic that I found very interesting. He talked about the different archetypes that can sabotage how we choose to view money but also how we can change it. He offered us a discount for his services, which I'm seriously considering. I would go for four sessions with him. He said it would totally change my way of thinking about how I handle my money in the future.

He takes you step by step through four sessions to get to the root cause of the patterns that we create in our lives that causes us to disrespect money. I'm excited because I have found two books in this subject that I cannot wait to read and discuss on my blog.  The book I'm reading now is called Conversations with Millionaires. It teaches me how they view money and the philosophy behind out thinking.

He talks to the man that mentored Tony Robbins, We all know who he is and how far he has come. One question that he ask people is " What is your current philosophy for financial independence that you're working on?" and usually people respond," Gosh, I never thought of that." He also says," Unless you have an excellent financial philosophy that gives you guidance to correct errors, accept some new disciplines, and make some changes, you can forget being financially independent."

Hard pill to swallow eh!  But it's true. How many people want to become financial free? Pretty much everybody. But how many are doing something about it? Not enough people if you ask me. If everyone had enough money to feel ok, and that number is smaller than you think, so many would be in a new place to want to help others do the same. The greedy people become greedier and the those that want to help others succeed will do so.

So it comes down to you. You are the only one that can make the decision to be better in your life. And life is shorter to short to sit and ponder on how can I get financially free, you have to take action.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

To be or not to be

"The most dangerous risk of all, the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later"

From what I'm observing so far, which I find interesting, is that it seems that the people with lots of money are the people who will be doing well in this business. The ones that struggle, working hard to getting this business going are left on the wayside to start on their own. It seems wealthy people attract wealthy people to them automatically. While people who struggle attract people who struggle. You'll never see a wealthy person put themselves under someone who struggles will you?

When I get the finances from this business going in a big way , oh and I will, it's just a matter of time, my team will not go through what I have been going through. I have a Pay it Forward idea that will explode my business, because I will support my team financially as well. It's not about the money, it's about helping people achieve their dreams and knowing we can all be happy and wealthy at the same time.

So what does that mean for the rest of  us that are trying hard to make it happen? Are we not deserving enough to have the support we all need to get this going to the level they are reaching or are we attracting what we are thinking? It's a well known fact that people follow successful people so they too can become successful also. But if you don't put out to the level they expect you to, it seems your not part of the energy anymore.

The ones that are struggling to make it, will have to get together themselves and support each other, by motivating and teaching each other ways to improve their skills. So many people out there believe that they don't have money to save which is such a lie. They have no problem going to shop because they are bored and spend hundreds of dollars on stuff. They have houses full of things they don't use, and they say they have no money to save. Poppy cock I say...

It's like the saying," Damned if I do and damned if I don't" scenario. They are afraid to embark with something new because they have no clue what it's about and they talk bad about something they have no clue about and on and on...  So ya ok, I get it, it's the people you know, that will help you succeed. Well, my list is short, so I guess that says a lot. It leaves me no choice but to use the outreach program to try and meet people. Do what it takes for as long as it takes.

Your friendlyy Money Trailblazer

PS. I think this still has to do with the belief I'm still carrying that I don't deserve to have money. Therefore , I'm still putting that out there. This comes from my child hood still, when I would see my parents give money to my older siblings when they asked for money, but when I would ask I was said " no" So perhaps I need to still do some work on that belief.

Monday, July 20, 2015

" START THE CAR!!!!!!! START THE CAR !!!!!!!

I don't understand what people are so afraid of. They stay at jobs that they are not sure if they will be there tomorrow and still are afraid to do something different. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting it to be different. It's not.

The reason we stay in dead end jobs is because our "why's" are not big enough to motivate us into doing something different. What's great about this business is that your able to go out there and make money building other people's business.

In other words, we make money in this business by helping other people achieve levels of success. Do you see your boss do this? Your compensated greatly if you help other people achieve lots of success, compensated a little if you help a few.

The more we help other people, the more it helps us and that's the way this business works. What's exciting about it is that is gives a whole new meaning to life. It's an environment where the people you work with, not for, are people that have the desire to have more then they've got. They sacrifice short term to help others get where they want to go.

" The single greatest cause of failure, is the failure to start."

So it begins worth each and everyone of us. We have to believe in ourselves enough to get out and reach others that can benefit from this business. When I teach my business to others, I start with the question , What are your "why's". Why do you want to be financially free? Not ," Why do you want lots of money? That doesn't motivate me. Lots of people make lots of money and are not happy at all. Because there is no dreams to the why's. You need a dream, everyone has a dream.

It doesn't matter to me if you choose not to join my business. I honestly don't care. If I have pushed you with the desire to pursue a business in any shape or form, I will have achieved my goal of helping someone making a better life for themselves. That's what's it about. It's not about the money you make in a business, it's about helping one another achieve our dreams.

Lots of people are struggling, are tired of living the way they live, and can't seem to see a light at the end of the tunnel. They give up. The life they dreamed of no longer seems possible. But they also sit and do nothing to move the energy in that direction. When you own a business, you constantly have to move the energy to make it work. Success loves speed. If you show the Universe that you are wanting it to happen, the universe will respond. Every time, all the time.

In order to make it happen , we have to take the first step towards action. Even though that tenth step is out of sight  and could be the one step that helps us leap into our greatest and highest potential. Why do so many people choose not to start the first steps? Because they are afraid of success and the responsibility that comes with that success. That is the biggest block for many people.

What if people say no? So what, You move on to the next. It's that simple.
Once they see how successful you are at your business after seeing you struggle all your life, they will begin to ask questions like" What in the world is going on with you?" And " I want what you have." That's why I like to hang around successful people. Everyone can be successful with the right coaching. I believe everyone is teachable if they are willing to be open minded, willing to be directed. It's all here for us all. Life is suppose to be fun.

So here's to all the fun that is waiting for all of us that are willing to do the work needed to achieve the greatest success we all deserve to have.

Your Money Trailblazer

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Victim and the Turtle

New day, I decided not to send the card and letter to my sister. I spoke to my older sister and older brother about how I felt and we all agreed that she may be bi-polar and not realize it. Once I realized that this might be the case with her, I figure that sending her this letter would only upset her even more. And that is not what I want for her. I would prefer her to have peace. Which might never happen in her life. But miracles can happen.

She has become a great teacher for me. I would have normally sent her a letter letting her know how I feel about the phone call. Thank God I got ahold of my ego, because it always wants to be right. I had gone to a full moon meditation the night before and decided I would visualize her healthy and happy instead. My brother did tell me that she had responded to his letter by sending him a letter that he told us was not a letter that anyone would have wanted to read. Hurt people, hurt people. OMG I have this book. I should did it out and read it.

My little sister has had a challenging life. Was rejected by her mom and dad when they were drinking. She told my brother that when she was little, she would go into her room and cry while my parents were drinking. I could see mom send her away so that she would not see them drink. The affects of alcoholism goes much deeper then just the alcohol itself. I can understand her anger and bitterness when I see her point of view on life. To her , life is all about pain and suffering.

My job is to love her without hurting her any more then she is hurting at this time. I often wonder if she was better off in life if that would make a difference, but I assume not unless she decides to change the way she see things in life. It's was interesting when my brother said that they had invited her to their home for Christmas and she snuck out without them knowing or even saying bye. I told my brother that it was probably hard for her to see how well he has done n his life and the lifestyle they live. They have a very nice home that my brother and his wife worked hard for. My sister is not capable of being grateful at the moment except when it come to her own kids.

I was planning a trip back home to see my family this summer, but I'm slowly starting to change my mind about going. I haven't seen my little sister in over 10 years, not because I don't want to see her, she comes up with excuse after excuse that she is not available. So I let it go until the next time. It is the first time ever that I have felt the hurt of my own sister not loving me for who I am. That is a hard one for me since I love each and everyone in my family as equal. We are all living our own lives the best we know how.

I happen to pick up a book I read a few months back, and the other yesterday I randomly opened it to a page, and with a smile on my face as I began reading this paragraph," Those whose inner disturbances are easily triggered and intense are said  to be on a " short fuse". We try to avoid such people as much as possible  so as not to become the  target of their blame. They always have a good reason for their chronic suffering, and they tend to be very righteous about their victim position. "

So I will continue to learn my lesson to not react from her suffering and look at what are the things that is triggers in me that I have to work on. The meditation I did helped me to see a few things I need to look at so I will talk about that next time.

Thank you Spirit for showing me the energy of the turtle medicine so that I can slow down my thoughts and see what is really happening with my sister. Thank you for these words of comfort when I need them most.

Your Money Trailblazer

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Following my inner guidance

Well I had a interesting turnaround last night. My plan was to join this company and hopefully make money enough so I could quit my full time job eventually, but things changed last night.

I had decided to get a friend involved to see if she would be interested in what I was looking into. So I made plans to meet with her and I invited my new friend to come along and show her what he showed me. By the middle of the presentation, I could see that my friend was getting irritated with the idea that she had to listen to this speech that he was giving her and she wanted to know what it was this was about. Cut to the chase, so to speak.

He said to her that he was helping me train because I was joining their company. I have since changed my mind after last night, because I got more insight as to what was involved and what I was really presenting to people to buy. Which is selling insurance. 
My friend who we were introducing this to gave me something to think about. She is smarted then I thought. What I got was that the person presenting the information follows a script in a book style presentation. They don't look in the person's eyes much so it is a feeling of disconnection right from the beginning.

The  people they present the information to, doesn't feel connected to the individual presenting. I was so interesting to be an observer of what was happening between the two of them. They started to become defensive, she wanted him to stop and he was determined to finish what he had started even thought he knew she would not be interested anyway. I came back with the knowledge of how I could approach my other business that I would like to work on most.

I think what I'll do is wait a few weeks and tell her that I really valued her opinion that day that helped me with my decision on if I should join this business. So I would like her to come and check out another business that I need her opinion on so that I can get a different perspective on it.

I want to be part of something, and I want support in whatever I get involved in also. Be part of a team. My other friend Julia, who has me involved in the business I want to work on, seems to not want to give up on me for some reason. I think she believes in me more then I do for myself. It's work in progress.

I'm interested in a book I must find called The Soul of Money. It has been mentioned to me a few time now, so I must need to read it. On top of all the other books I have that I want to read. LOL

Oh ya , almost forgot. I am going to this new talk on Thursday evening called, Money Connection which they will openly discuss the issues around money. We will discover our money archetypes. Looking forward to what that is about so I can blog about it.

Your Money 

Monday, July 13, 2015

JOB = Just Over Broke

I went to a gathering last night with my friends that are all well off financially. They have worries about money I'm sure, but much different then mine. Mine are more like, am I going to have enough money to buy food and gas for the week?  I feel like an outsider sometimes being there with them.  I work in a job ( Just Over Broke) so that I can manage to pay my bills while they go out traveling the world.

There is a huge silent stigma around people who don't have money being looked at as stupid. It's a silent stigma that I think people are too ashamed to talk about. If you are not in a great financial position at that stage in your life, the question they are asking themselves, is " What is wrong with you?" Why haven't you made your life work by now? But there is no support in the " Stupid Financial World " that helps people like me the Just Over Broke generation.

Most people who have a lot of money, look at people who are just over broke, very differently. It's like we are silently shamed for not being able to get our "act together" to provide for our own needs. We are a society that lacks in the mental education around finances. And I am part of this collective consciousness.

So, what am I going to do about it? Well, it seems that the universe has put in my path an opportunity to learn about the financial world through a program that will help me to provide education for the under-developed financial world. The Just Over Broke Generation. I will have a lot of support through this company. I can feel it.

I'm not going to go into great detail on it at this time. I have a lot of homework to do and a test that I need to pass in order to become a leader in the financial greatness of eliminating poverty consciousness.  Along with this, is the great lesson of believing in myself and overcoming self-doubt issues.

The business platforms of today will only provide a base to help people survive. That's it. Nothing more. If your like me, you end up in dead end jobs that don't provide hope for a stable financial future. You will never get a raise, you live from paycheck to paycheck never seeing the end of debt. You have accumulated material crap to help you feed your inner hunger for life never leaving your house and you become withdrawn to life because you feel like "what's the use."

Well I always have hope, and I get inspired when times get tough.  I may not have a lot of money, but what I do have is a lot of skills, determination, perseverance, courage and loyalty...and no amount of money can buy these qualities.

I'm glad I decided to blog today. Something seems to have lite me up from the inside by writing this one out. I have an idea about a foundation I can create with this new perspective on money....

Your Friendly Money Trailblazer

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I was out with a friend yesterday and asked for her thoughts on my experience with my sister. She sis she has a brother who acts the same way. Drama queen city. They are stuck in their drama. But actually they are addicted to the drama. If there is no drama in their world they create it. This provides them the attention they are seeking and craving for. It works the same as a drug, except it is a emotional high the get from creating chaos.

I was going to send the letter I wrote her, but then I realized that I don't have to justify my life to her or anybody else for that matter. I am thinking of sending this card I did find yesterday that really suits her behavior. The picture on the cover is a dog drinking out of a toilet and it says" What to feel better soon?" open the card and it says " Drink plenty of fluids.

Inside I wrote," Is this where you get you potty mouth from? I thought I was the drama queen in the family, Not anymore...You win. " I'm tempted to send it. But I will see what my family says first. My little brother texted me yesterday to tell me that he also got a rip ravin mad phone call from her too. Because she knows I speak to my little brother and probably thought I was for sure going to call him and tell him everything that happened. The joke is on her this time. I use to do that before, but now I know that reacting to an experience like this is not constructive.

So yes I do love my sister, because she is teaching me to be kinder and more loving. Also how to set boundaries with verbally abusing drama creating people. I will ask my family to not respond to her phone calls for awhile until the dust settles. If she does call, respond with a thank you card and in it just put, thanks for the call, have a great day. I will wait a few weeks before I send my card to her, no use sending it now, because it will just add fuel to the fire. Then she will call someone in the family, to which no one will respond to her call, eventually it will come to a point where she will figure out that it is no use calling anybody over a card, and shift her perception. 

Crap gotta go to work

Your Money Trailblazer