
Monday, July 20, 2015

" START THE CAR!!!!!!! START THE CAR !!!!!!!

I don't understand what people are so afraid of. They stay at jobs that they are not sure if they will be there tomorrow and still are afraid to do something different. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting it to be different. It's not.

The reason we stay in dead end jobs is because our "why's" are not big enough to motivate us into doing something different. What's great about this business is that your able to go out there and make money building other people's business.

In other words, we make money in this business by helping other people achieve levels of success. Do you see your boss do this? Your compensated greatly if you help other people achieve lots of success, compensated a little if you help a few.

The more we help other people, the more it helps us and that's the way this business works. What's exciting about it is that is gives a whole new meaning to life. It's an environment where the people you work with, not for, are people that have the desire to have more then they've got. They sacrifice short term to help others get where they want to go.

" The single greatest cause of failure, is the failure to start."

So it begins worth each and everyone of us. We have to believe in ourselves enough to get out and reach others that can benefit from this business. When I teach my business to others, I start with the question , What are your "why's". Why do you want to be financially free? Not ," Why do you want lots of money? That doesn't motivate me. Lots of people make lots of money and are not happy at all. Because there is no dreams to the why's. You need a dream, everyone has a dream.

It doesn't matter to me if you choose not to join my business. I honestly don't care. If I have pushed you with the desire to pursue a business in any shape or form, I will have achieved my goal of helping someone making a better life for themselves. That's what's it about. It's not about the money you make in a business, it's about helping one another achieve our dreams.

Lots of people are struggling, are tired of living the way they live, and can't seem to see a light at the end of the tunnel. They give up. The life they dreamed of no longer seems possible. But they also sit and do nothing to move the energy in that direction. When you own a business, you constantly have to move the energy to make it work. Success loves speed. If you show the Universe that you are wanting it to happen, the universe will respond. Every time, all the time.

In order to make it happen , we have to take the first step towards action. Even though that tenth step is out of sight  and could be the one step that helps us leap into our greatest and highest potential. Why do so many people choose not to start the first steps? Because they are afraid of success and the responsibility that comes with that success. That is the biggest block for many people.

What if people say no? So what, You move on to the next. It's that simple.
Once they see how successful you are at your business after seeing you struggle all your life, they will begin to ask questions like" What in the world is going on with you?" And " I want what you have." That's why I like to hang around successful people. Everyone can be successful with the right coaching. I believe everyone is teachable if they are willing to be open minded, willing to be directed. It's all here for us all. Life is suppose to be fun.

So here's to all the fun that is waiting for all of us that are willing to do the work needed to achieve the greatest success we all deserve to have.

Your Money Trailblazer

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