
Sunday, August 2, 2015

From Fool to Victim to Magician

Well I finally got my book that I ordered online to help me figure our what money archetype I am, and it is so dead on that it's scary. I work with the victim archetype and my shadow if the fool. So now I know what is the driving force behind my mismanagement with my money.I can finally shift it to the magician type which is the positive archetype.

I've definitely have become a workaholic and when I'm not working, it drives me bonkers. Because one, I don't know what to do with my time, and two I don't have money to do anything with my time. It is a scary place for me to be. I'm not even sure how I am going to manage how to pay my rent at the end of this month. I got a full time job today, and I'm considering getting a very part time job on the side so I can play catch up with my bills

I have been very carful where I am spending my money in the past few days. In this book it says that I need to be in money recess.  The book says I easily attract money easily, only to have it quickly slip through his fingers because he is simply not paying attention. Because of this nook now I can finally address these patterns and turn them around. Because if I don't, they will keep getting worse and worse.

I have never been in this position before. It is both scary and humbling at the same time. I sit with my thoughts of " How am I going to get out of this mess that I have created?" it is sure giving me a huge wake up call. My friend is a magician type archetype which is the one that you want to learn to be, and she manages her money a lot better than I do, but still has a shadow archetype that she is going to learn how to clear the pattern.

My other archetype is the victim. These are patterns that I have learned from my parents behaviors. Victims often appear to be innocent and have a litany of excuses for why they are not more successful. It can be a unending spiral.  As I was reading the book, I had to stop at some places to absorb the new way of seeing myself. It was a good thing for me to experience, because I want to change the way I look at how I manage my money, so that it can support my life and dreams.

So now I completely understand why I'm not attracting what I'm putting out there, because you are what you attract. So I have to change into the characteristics of the magician and begin to move forward towards success and freedom. So what I do is read the description of the magician archetype two to three times a day, so that my mind can start to program these beliefs in my head. I think I will also write them out as well, because that is even more powerful, because it connects at a deeper level.

Your Money Magician Trailblazer

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