Today I look at today as a beginning of a new possibility to create a life I deserve. One on happiness, playfulness and adventure. I got this out of my seminar. I got that I am hiding. It has opened my eyes to my world in a new way of believing my world can be different. Working on myself for the past years, makes me understand more of why we do the things we do. We create our own world.
The world we live has much more potential then it use to have in the old days. We had the power to reinvent ourselves at the very core of our beings if we chose to do our inner work. Many people don't understand how the Landmark work can help this planet get to a higher level of consciousness. I believe it can and in fact, it is doing it, one person at a time. Broken families are mended, relationships are restored, fallen friendships flourish again, kids are reconnecting to there parents. It's amazing to see the healing that is happening in this program. I'm almost thinking of redoing the Forum again in January.
My money issues are getting dealt with. I can now see what I am doing with the money I earn and making conscious choices that help me to improve the quality of my life. I am actually making money online. I invest my time into this program and I have taken out money to see if I could and I can. I am investing all my earnings towards this program. I invested $100 and I click my ads everyday and buy packs morning and night when I have enough money in my earnings. I have been doing this for the past 7 months and I have earned a little over thirteen hundred dollars. I get more return from this then I do with my bank. I can help you get started if you are interested. just sign up and I'll get you going This is the first time I have ever invested money online and seeing it grow. It's an awesome feeling.
I have off today, but I am planning on getting on the Leadership call. I learn a lot from listening to the leadership in the group. It is important to stay on the court which helps me to stay focused on my seminar. I may think of getting involved in the leadership program later on. I also suggested that they think about getting the money seminar out again. I would definitely think of taking that one. The program is funny though. Sometime you take a seminar to clear something in your life that you want clarity on like sex and intimacy and you end up healing a different part of your life , like money issues. My intimacy with money has improved a lot, because I now look closer to where I want to use my money.
Intimacy means being known and knowing another means being interested. Into-me-see.
Your Money Trailblazer
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