
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Reinventing a new design

The last three weeks have been pushing me to my limit. Having to fly home unexpectedly for my adopted Mom's funeral brought on a lot of stuff I had to deal with that I had not considered. I was adopted in a family of 4 kids. My adopted Mom was 87 and I wanted to be with my family, but did not know how I was going to manage finding the money to fly home and back. I also was fearful of losing my job which I could not afford. But without expecting anything to happen, my sister in law knew someone that worked for Westjet and they got me a ticket and I didn't even have to pay them in return. Angels at work for sure.

Being home with my sister's and bother's was stressful because I don't think the way I use to and I could see that they were struggling to have a conversation because I wouldn't get involved in their stories. There was a lot of self restraint on my part. My brother was the executor and we all got learn what papers need to be in order if something happens to any one of us. So I was pressured to find a way to ask my birth mother if she had all the papers she needed when the time comes for her. She is 89 and has been declining a lot health wise. I was relieved to find out that she did in fact got all the papers I need for when the time comes.  I could finally relax once I got back on the plane.

I'm back at my job and engaging myself in my Sex and Intimacy seminar. I have learned that my act around sex is hiding. And this morning I discovered another act by being on a leadership call for our group leader because he couldn't make it. My other act is " Going it alone" This seminar is teaching me that I need to look at all these things if I'm to ever begin to think of having another relationship with anyone. I keep mentally blocking myself by telling myself that this program is not about finding a new relationship. It's about having a deep conversation with my thoughts around the areas of sex and intimacy.

Engaging openly in a conversation with someone about sex and intimacy is challenging for most people. Same as money. I have finally caught up on all my bills and have been putting a few dollars in the bank in my savings to start a prudent reserve, as my friend calls it.. I will get a very small inheritance which will allow me to sell my gas guzzling SUV and buy a more economical vehicle, plus I am also planning on moving much closer to my work. That way I will save even more on gas money, Sex and money are both huge suggests. And if we refuse to talk about them with someone that we feel we can trust, we give those subject more power then imagined.

Once I started openly talking about how I felt my sex act was affecting me and my future, I felt a small opening of possibilities. As long as I keep my act a secret and don't talk about it, it has power over me by controlling my life. It keeps me stuck in never taking the risk of engaging in a conversation with men, Once I learn how to stand on my own with my act, it has no power. It destroys my joy. I think it was Plato who once said " An unexamined life is not worth living" What I believe he was referring to was, that if we don't take the time to look at the way we are thinking, and how it is affecting our lives, we miss out on the opportunity to deeply live.

I have felt most alive when I have discovered things about myself that I never knew existed in me. This seminar has thought me that I am human, first of all, and that I make mistakes. I was designed by default without my knowing from the very first breath I took. We all were. Our job is to reinvent ourselves on a level of love and compassion to help those who are open to the work. It's the toughest work I've ever done, but it has been the most rewarding.

Today I am grateful to the design I was given, so that I can look at it and decide , " Is it the design I an stuck with forever, or do I have a choice to change my design" My answer is always . As long as I"m breathing, I have the power to re invent a new and more inspiring design.

Your Sexy Money Trailblazer

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