
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Eye Insight

Last night when I was working on my eye technique, I was pondering on the question," Why do I beleive that every time things start getting better with me and I get to this good feeling, something happens to that takes away my joy. And as I was doing my eye technique, this image came to me , I was walking down the stairs in the house I grew up in, and the guy that molested me, when I was about 7 or 8 years old was waiting there for me.
So what I experienced was  a belief which was programmed in my mind that when good things happen to me, I would experience something bad happen next. That is my ego mind. I can actually question that thought. Is it true that eveytime things start getting better in my life, something bad will happen next? No it's not true. How do I react when I think the thought, when good things happen in my life, something bad will happen next?. I feel anxious all the time, I'm in a constant state of preparing myself for the worse. Fearful, worried, not trusting the process of life.
Who would I be without the thought, everytime things start getting better in my life, something bad will happen next?. I'd be worry free. I'd be happy most of the time, I'd trust life more. I'd be less concerned with money,

So I had to get to work, and as I was driving on my way there, and pondering on what I had discovered about this truth, I could feel the energy in my stomach moving around. So I took three deep breaths and blew out the energy.Then another thought came up , " I don't want to see bad things happen to me?" Is that true? Yes ,,,,How do I react when I think the thought," I don't want to see bad things happen to me." I feel nervous, I can't relax, I'm apprehensive, fearful, withdrawn,

Who would I be without that thought" I don't want to see bad things happen to me." I'd be happy, joyful, free, trusting life, forgiving, open, fearless. My thoughts are lies. Lies that have been stored in my subsonscious mind for years. They've lived there as long as I have lived so far. They still want to run and ruin my way of living. Unless I decide to stop them and teach my ego mind that they are a false identity.

It's funny each time I start working on money, I think I'll only be dealing with the mathematics. But once you start digging into the energy of money, a whole new world emerges surrounding your beliefs and values around your concepts of money and how you deal with it. Money is just a physical item. You can't take a hundred dollar bill and put it in your hand and say to it," Be evil, or be greedy, or be fearful." It's not money that holds these thoughts, it's me. And as long as I don't change the way I think about money, whatever thoughts I think about money, will be the energy I attract around it.

Since I cleared this yesterday, a friend call me last night asking me if I was interested in working for her part time cleaning her house. That's confirmation that I shifted my thinking around that piece I worked on. We are energy and we vibrate constantly to the tones of the beliefs that we beleive. Hateful people are full of hateful thoughts, therefor do hateful things, because they beleive their hateful thoughts and therefore act on them. No one was born with a hateful heart. It's what was projected onto them as a baby when the beginning of all their suffering began..

Your Money Trailblazer


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