I'm the process of moving today. As I have been changing my beliefs around money, so had my life been changing. I am moving to a community that has a live in a higher tax bracket that I would have not normally looked at. But I am learning that this is part of my healing with my deserving issues. So I am very excited to get moving forward. Here is a piece that I love to read often to remind me of what I need to do to keep my focus on managing my money Enjoy.
In this book I'm reading, it says in this archtype," That Victims generally have a litany of excuses for why they are not more successful, and their excuses are all bases on their historical mythology. For the Victim Archtype to shift, they must learn to understand and heal their past wounds."
So I was awake at 3am this morning, not feeling too good about myself and my financial situation I'm in. And I knew that there was a deeper process happening that I couldn't seen to connect with. So I decided to do my restorative yoga in my pyramid while meditating on the thoughts I was having.
I laid still for some time and this thought came to me," I don't feel safe in the world" Humm OK , I can understand where that came from and also could relate to how it would block me from becoming successful in life. I feel safe in my cocoon, alone in my room, where no one sees me. I look out my window and see the blue sky, and I know it's going to be a very hot day today. I have to go to my new job which I'm not very happy with, but have no other choice at the moment. The pay I'm getting will hardly cover my rent at the end of this month. I may have to do something else.
The next thought I had laying still was " I'm always going to struggle through life." These two thoughts block me from ever becoming successful in anything I aim to do in life. So how to I shift these limiting beliefs. I can turn them around so instead of , I don't feel safe in the world, I could say, I feel safe in the world, but it doesn't fee true to me at my core. So I have to find a way or a place where I can feel safe in the world. That probably would be in nature. I don't know why that came up but I feel I have to try that. Oh I just got one for this statement, the world is safer than I think.
The other thought is , I'm always going to struggle through life. Is that true? I'm not sure that this statement is in fact true because I don't know what tomorrow will bring. So the reverse of this statement must be, life is easier then I thought, or think. Which one is it? Easier then I thought, put me in the past, easier then I think puts me in the present. So I have to go with , life is easier then I think. That thought would have come from the years of mental conditioning from my parents repeatedly telling me that life is hard and tough.
I will place these two statement where I can read them often each day until I shift those negative thought patterns and see if something else is attached to those statements.
Moving into my greatness
Your Money Trailblazer