" By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the ....effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experience of you life." Gary Zukav Author of Seat of the Soul
The feelings we all have about money comes from our past. It is the past that creates the future. By keeping the feelings around money what does not serve us, we choose not to move forward with our lives. Mainly because it is the thoughts that we have set in our minds, that are believed into manifestation. So therefore, we create what we believe around money. If we think money is tights, and we feel money is tight, we create tight conditions around money. Because we believe it to be true.
Right now I have created a work environment that supports me emotionally. The people I work with are good people, the job is not very stressful, the hours I work are working for me. The only thing is the money they pay per hour is just over eleven dollars and hour. How can any employer expect someone to live on $1200 a month? I feel it should be a law that if you cannot provide enough money to support your employees enough hours to live on, you should not hire them.
These part time hours jobs have created more poverty conditions in the world then anything else. People are forced to work two to three even four jobs a week just to get by. People don't feel they are supported in their workplace anymore. And no one does anything about it. Our intimacy with money is corrupted to the very core of our being. Not a lot of people value the potential of what money can bring to them in their live because they don't have the wherewithal to allow themselves the strength to even look at the condition they have created with money in their lives.
We complain more about the lack of money then we care to admit. Complaining about it and not doing anything about the condition we decided to live by, doesn't change anything. If you want something to change , you must do something about it. Dr. Wayne Dyers words still hold true in my mind, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." If we keep looking at money with a lack mentality, our lack mentality will keep attracting the same situations in our lives.
Since I have decided to become intimate with my money, things have improved. I have more money today then when I first started to take charge of my money. I am showing the universe that I am allowing myself to be more responsible with my money, and what happens is, more money tends to show up. Not a lot yet, but I'm in a lot better shape then when I first started. And the more energy I put into being intimate and responsible with my money, the more money will show up in ways that I probably haven't imagined yet. It takes discipline and persistence to adopt a habit of changing how you feel around money.
Look at money as a teacher of great wisdom, because it can teach us a lot about ourselves if we let it do it's job. Money can motivate you into greatness when the right attitude it is focused.
Your Money Trailblazer
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