
Thursday, July 28, 2016

LOL How times have changed

Well what a turn of events at work. So far I have managed to start getting caught up on my credit card. Then yesterday my boss at work asked me if I would be interested in a job offer that would pay more and have more hours as a receptionist. LOL well ya!!!. Where in the world do you find a boss that helps you to find better working conditions for their employees? That is almost unheard of. He said he would let me know in a couple of weeks.

I am loving keeping track on how I am handling my money and managing to pay money to everyone that I need to pay. I am getting ahead. It feels really good to have a handle on my money finally. I’m still on the bottom of the hill, but I’m climbing it one step at a time. I have also been working on staying home a lot for the past two weeks. This has been a challenge since I miss going to my favorite places. It has been interesting how I have been feeling restricted because of my money issues. But by doing what I needed to do, to get where I wanted to be, I am seeing how it is turning out for the best.

I was going to be short about $30 for my rent, and I didn’t want to ask my co-workers or my boss for a loan so I gave in and went to a Cash Store. I borrowed $120 which will cost me $30 so I have to pay back $150. All I needed was $50 to carry me over to my next paycheck. So I put $30 with my rent money, I put $70 in an envelop to repay the Cash Store. I will take $80 off my paycheck to complete the payment. Then if I ever need money in the future, I can count on them to lend me the money if I need it. I’m hoping I won’t. But when you have a good record with them it’s a great way to get money whenever you do need some.

Once I get caught up on my credit card, I won’t have to worry about borrowing money from the Cash Store. Oh ya I forgot, I have decided to start buying gift cards from the gas station where I work now to use for gas only. This way I can’t use it other then where I work. Also I plan to buy gift cards for myself so when I want to splurge on something, it won’t come out of my allowance. I can buy a $25 Mastercard gift card each paycheck. It adds up after awhile and they are good for a couple of years.

By doing this it creates a small sense of security and a use for where and what I can do with the money I earn.

Your Money TrailBlazer

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Shift in Energy around Trust

It has been an interesting few days. I have been tracking my spending like a hawk. Every time I spend money I mark it down. It is a must for me to do if I am to get out of this credit card debt. $4000 away from being debt free is very inspiring to me. I can only imagine what I will do with the money I save when I get to this point.

All I have to live on this week is $26 dollars. I will have to use some of this money to get some gas so I can get to work. I also can borrow money from my co workers who have offered to help me out till next paycheck, but I will wait as close as possible because that cuts into my allowance for my next paycheck. I thought I was going to work tomorrow but someone else took that shift.

Am I depriving myself or disciplining myself? I have to teach myself to be in charge of my life. I have to look at the past mistakes that I've made and see what I can to do change what didn't work. Maybe the reason I have under earning jobs is because I can't be trusted to be in charge of anything because they judge me how I take care of myself. Maybe on some level have not learned how to trust myself fully. Perhaps I tell myself on a deeper level, I can't be trusted with money.

Perhaps it's a part of me that doesn't trust myself with money. That's still this underlying belief that keeps coming up. I don't trust myself with money? Is that true? As I sit here pondering deeply about if this is a yes or is this a no answer, it feels like it has to do with wanting to take care of myself financially. Do I have a desire to care for myself financially at all? is the question, I don't trust myself with money an excuse or a belief? It would seem that if I have to write down all my spending, am I confirming to myself that I don't trust myself enough that I have to make sure I be held accountable for all the money I spend?

I don't trust myself with money, is that true? Yes it is true.
Am I absolutely sure that I don't trust myself with money? No that is not true.
How do I feel when I think the thought, I don't trust myself with money.
I feel anxious, fearful, unprotected, rejected.
Who would I be if I didn't think the thought , I don't trust myself with money
I'd be confident in how I manage my life around money.
I'd believe in my strengths more
I'd trust in myself more with money
I would have more passion for life
I'd have more faith in myself

Your Money Trailblazer

Day off

Well today I can relax and enjoy my day off. I have no plans to go anywhere or do anything in particular. I put ten dollars in gas yesterday from my $4.60 per day budget which means that I can't spend any money today. I don't need anything really. I have food in my fridge that will last me till the end of this week. I need one thing in a couple of days that will cost me about $12. which I will buy on Friday.  That should leave me with about $38.00 till my paycheck on August 1. If I do need money , I can always get an advance from work to hold me over till I get paid.

I have worked out my budget for each paycheck till August 15 and I'm excited to see what progress I have been doing. My next pay will be a lot better for me. I will have more money on my allowance and will have the second credit card payment money to pay on the 15 of August. This is great. It means that I will soon be able to start making my regular monthly payments and get this debt off my back. Once I pay this off, I will be debt free.

It will take me probably about a year to get it paid. But then I will have my credit card limit available to me again. I can invest that money into things that will benefit me. Writing down each day what I spend is working. It helps me to stay focused on not over spending. It teaches me to value the money I have. When you manage the money you have, you'll have more money to manage.

By working on how I see my money and looking at different way to manage it, expands my view on money and how it works in my life. If I had not started this process, I would not have wanted to connect to my credit card company to work things out, which would have led my account to an R9 rating on my credit report which I prefer not to have. I want to reestablish a good credit because I would like to get a newer car someday.

I'm also thinking that I will be investing my time and money on studying more about the Art of Feng Shui. I have been interested in this for about a year now and I have been chatting with a woman in Facebook that teaches you how to prosper in your business. I have to get going towards my dream, no matter what the cost. 

That's good for now

Your Money Trailblazer

Monday, July 18, 2016

Quick blog

Well update on my money trail. I have had to bite the bullet on avoiding my credit card company. I called them to see how I can make an arrangement with them so that I can get my credit card up to date. They told me that I would have to pay $150 for the next three months. OUCH!! That hurt more then I was expecting.

So I decided to go for it. I knew it was going to be a challenge for me for the next two weeks until I get my next pay check. But I have to trust that I can do it. After these two weeks, I will be caught up on all my bills and will be able to start a saving program.

I had 80 hours on my pay this week. Also remember my truck broke down, which cost me $240 to fix. So I cleared $804. I had to go to Money Mart to cash my check because I haven't been able to leave my check in my bank, due to the fact I need the money right away. So I end up paying $30 to Money Mart. My rent is due on August 1, $450.00, $240 to my nephew for fixing my truck and $150 to my credit card company. I had $200 left over from last paycheck which I was saving for my rent money. So after some food and gas for my truck, I have as of today,  $60 to last me till August 1 paycheck. I have to laugh at myself for getting myself into this position. It's my own damn fault.

I calculated how much I can spend a day and it comes to $4.00. If I don't spend that $4.00 today, tomorrow I'll have $8.00. I'm going to need my allergy pills in a few days so I'll save for that first. I still have close to half a tank of gas in my truck. Thank God I don't have to travel far to work.
So it's going to be an interesting 13 days.

Your Money Trailblazer

Friday, July 15, 2016

Put your Rain Coat on

" Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" Rumi

I truly believe this. I really think that if we all loved ourselves fully, we would not need to seek to find love in our lives from others. I must be in love with finding ways to better manage my money, because it's all I focus on. If I get invited to go out somewhere, the first thing I think about is , how much money do I have and can I swing it. I'd like to start my own healing money group with people who can relate to this topic without getting involved in a 12 step program. They don't work for me. They are too limited to what you can share int he groups. You can't share what works for you unless it has to do with the program. That seems a bit controlled to me. And you have limited time to share also, so then you can't share all the things you'd like to say. It's not for me.

I prefer to keep learning how to choose the path to least resistance.  We resist things all the time. The other day, three young people stormed into out store because it was poring rain outside. Not one of them had a raincoat. They preferred to get soaking wet then have to comfort of being dry. There is a huge mount of resistance in this . They saw the rain when they left the house, but still chose to walk out in it. They resisted to make a better feeling choice. Did they not think that the rain would get their clothes wet? Common sense to me says that water does soak in clothing.

So what is it about resisting the better things for ourselves? If they would have chosen the path to least resistance, they would have chosen to put a water proof garment on themselves, because they cared enough about their well being to take the action needed. Why is that so difficult for them to grasp? It's probably because they don't care about themselves. They didn't care if they got wet and damp and cold. It's almost like they anticipated the joy of complaining about it later to others.

My truck was in the shop that day, and I was going to take the bus home, but when I saw how unpredictable the weather was and I knew I would have to walk a fair amount without protection, I had decided to spend the money on a cab. But that didn't happen. My boss offered to drive me home. When you are connected to your higher intelligence, you understand that the weather is a great teacher. I teaches to those that are open to learning about themselves. The rain is a signal that if you don't take care of yourself, you will get wet. No question about that.

Loving yourself is work. Appreciating that you have a choice to get the things you need in life that supports you, if a gift. You feel better when you have your coat on, then when you have your coat on. That is the path of least resistance.  You don't have much money in your checking account and your going some place and your spending it all. That's not the path of least resistance. Don't write the check, don't hand them the credit card.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tracking Inner Importance

Early morning to work today, I had to be there for 6am to open. There was no time for me to blog so I had to wait till this evening. It was a good day today because I got an inspiration to find a better way to do my envelops that will keep me on track with my money. I'm using the same envelop system that they are using at work. Once I can get the money rolling again.

I really have to keep track on how I spend my cash. If I don't , I fall right back into the old patterns of not caring for myself. I'm sure people with lots of money manage money differently, who know how that works. I wish I knew what it was like to have enough money to care for my bills and myself for a few years, just to build myself esteem a little higher then it is now. Low self esteem sure plays a big role around taking better care of yourself. It's about feeling important enough to want to do the work needed to take better care of my needs.

I choose to remember that I'm important. But can I remember that I'm important when I'm not sure that I've never known that? My importance doesn't come from other people paying attention to me. I think that I've learned very early on that people pay attention to important people, so when I'm not getting any attention, that must mean that I'm not important.  There's a lot of pain that come with feeling like you are being ignored and unheard. And also the pain of feeling that I'm not important, because that's not true.

I think the more I keep my focus on doing what I'm doing with my money, the more important I will feel about myself which then would lead to more self confidence and self worth. If I can detach from the concept of struggling to earn a living and change it to allowing myself to earn a living instead, it feels more at ease and less demanding on myself. It's about changing the way I see things. I allow myself to earn a living as appose to I'm working hard to make a living. I allow myself to earn a living has flow to it. That brings up a piece of importance in myself. I am smart enough to recognize the importance in myself for seeing that I can change the way I view how I earn money. That would also connect to my self esteem.

It all boils down to how you view thing in life. When I can catch myself emotionally, and change my point of view on my life, it moves me into a different direction. It shifts my perspective to allow a new opportunity to emerge. Because there is a new opening on how I see things. That's called change.
I'm always in awe at how I start my blog and end up on such an opposite topic which is neither good nor bad. It just is. Not having any fears arounf what comes up and just letting the words come is very freeing.

Your Money Trailblazer

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dent in My Budget

I need to write a song, There's a dent in my budget  dear Liza Dear Liza . lol...the day yesterday was interesting. I got ready for work and got in my vehicle, turned the key and nothing happened. Great, I thought, this is exactly what I need right now. A dent in my budget. I turned the key another time and it started. Phew I thought. So I drove off to work. Stopped at a drug store across from where I work and got in my vehicle, turned the key and nothing. Crap lol, this is not happening. I must be dreaming. I crossed my fingers and tried it again, nothing, again , nothing, again nothing. OK

So I walked over to my workplace. I later returned to try it again. Nothing. God, what perfect timing. I was just starting to get ahead a bit financially. Not a lot, but there was some hope of gaining some money ahead. This is just a dent in my budget for now, I keep telling myself. Thankfully, I have enough to cover my rent. Then this morning I remembered that my plates on my vehicle are due this month. Dent number two LOL. OMG.

I had to sit with this this morning and recreate my July budget. So that means, the only enjoyment in my life to the next few months will have the be free. So lots of nature walks which I love to do anyway. And to really splurge on myself I can do a cheap movie for $5.00. That will be my way of celebrating staying on my budget. It sure takes a lot of discipline to do this money walk. But the more I stay on top of it, the better I get at it.

It is very challenging to imagine a life without having to worry about where is the money going to come from. Staying grateful that I have a job and a nephew that is a mechanic gives me a great deal for working on my truck really helps. So I'm just going to continue to hope that things will improve as I go along with life's dents. Dents can be fixed. Staying focused is the best thing I can do right now.

Surrendering to the process that is happening is not easy. There's a pony in here somewhere. If I am resisting to surrender, I probably am trying to control the process of my life. If I was in control, I would not have allowed my starter on my truck to stop working. There are things in life that remind me that I'm not in charge. So I'm looking at the symbolic meaning of my starter and my old starter in life has died and my new starter in life has begun. There's a whole lot of trust issues around surrendering.

When I surrender to the money I have to give out to fix my truck and allow what needs to happen ...happen, I will be in a state of allowing my life to flow with what shows up. Letting go of the outcome. Letting go of controlling my money when I have to use it for some needs that need to be met, like fixing my truck. Whenever something is happening in my life, it is a sign that things are working out for me on a level that I may not be seeing at the moment. So I have to trust that I will have enough money to survive and everything is working out for me. What a concept.

Your Money Trailblazer

Monday, July 11, 2016

Jumping into Opportunites

Are we resisting the opportunity to change our lives? All these fears of opportunities. Part of me says I really want it. Part of me says I really need it. It cn be painful and scary that it's not showing up in my life  yet. It's the feeling that there is something wrong here that shows up. I continue to wor on accepting what is happening in my life today. so that I can become open to what is really best for me.

I continue to believe the idea that really good opportunities are available to me. There is a place for me. I have great value to offer. And there are opportunities out there for me to share that value. I could be doing it right now, with this blog. I don't know what you all think of me doing this blog. I'm guessing by the stats that you are interested in what I have to say. So that must mean I have some value in your life because you take time to read it. So thank you for that.

I still seem to run on some old programming that says maybe I'm not ready, or that maybe it's not safe. Maybe it will cost too much. These are just lies and misunderstandings that I have learned in my childhood. It upsets me when I think of all the programs I was given that doen't support my well being in life. It has cost me my joy of living life to the fullest because I have listened to too many people telling me what was the right and wrong thing to do.

Some advice was good, but most of it was not what I was craving in life. I was craving adventure and entertaining people since I was a kid. And that excitement for life seemed to diminish at a very early age. I was constantly criticized as a child , like most of us were, and I notice still today I get defensive when I am criticized for something I do or say still . Yesterday, my landlady noticed I had a pitcher with a filter full of water on the counter. She pointed out that that was not safe water to drink, because it is sitting in plastic all day.

She explained how the chlorine is not killing the chemicals blah blah blah. I've heard it all before , how plastic is not good for us. So instead os telling her that I was aware of the dangers and taking herbs to eliminate the side affects, I dumped the water, agreed with her speech and say, " as long as your happy" That does not come from a place of power. It came from a place of pleasing other people first. So that could be the reason I dismiss opportunities that show up in my life. Because I deeply believe people don't listen to me anyway, so why bother. I have to work on this one, seriously

Just because I don't have a bachelors degree in something, doesn't mean I don't bring value to peoples lives. We judge people so harshly sometimes. We see kids with no degrees at all and they complete extraordinary things in the world. The see the opportunity and the junp for it, and don't let anything get in their way. We need to become more like that.

Your Money Trailblazer

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Being Willing to Fail

I was thought to avoid failure. At all cost. I was told to succeed in life and that was meant as the main goal in life. This is an attitude that has cost me a lot. Fear is attached to failure. When I allow fear of failure to take charge in my life, I miss our on taking risk on all kinds of opportunities. The problem then becomes a fear of taking risks in life, because you fear to fail.

It's a safety switch that comes on inside myself. I have a need to feel safe in life. If I risk going beyond my limits, I will find myself in places that I might not be able to handle. Isn't that is limited way of living? It's the "don't try anything you can't win at" attitude. " Don't attempt to try doing something you can't do perfectly the first time" Wow , I see a lot of people today that they try so hard to keep up with doing things perfectly which is run my fear of not looking good in the eyes of others. I wonder is they were raised by someone that were always putting them down and as a kid we then to want to please our parents , not matter what the cost.

As a kid we don't know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. So we do our best to find ways to get it right. Then we learn that failure is not an option in life because we will get punished in some way for doing it wrong the first time. We have learned this method through so many generations and I feel it has ruined many children from living the life they dream about as a kid. I can relate to that.

As ironically as it sounds, failure leads to success. I bet you that you can go to any successful person and ask them if they have experienced failure on their way to success and the majority will agree that they have experienced great failures, which has led them to great success in their lives. They succeeded because they were willing to fail. You see we are not perfect, by far. We are human beings, doing life the best that we can with the knowledge that we learn. When you know better , you do better.

Avoiding failure means that I'm avoiding feedback in life. We often like to stay in our comfort zones. We can learn lessons through successes, but we can learn more lessons through failures. Failures gives us the feedback through the hard mistakes we've made.This gives us the opportunity to look at the mistake and use our problem solving skills to turn the mistakes into meaningful life tools. Because we don't tend to make the same mistake twice if we have learned our lesson the first time.All of the successes I've had have come from the feedback I've been given, which may have been labled as failures. The people who taught me to avoid failure, probably missed out on a lot of success
I cannot be around people who need to be around positive people all the time. This tells me that they refuse to allow themselves to see the mistakes they make in their lives. If they constantly end up bashing anything you say or do, that's not being a positive person at all To me this is being inferior.
There are a lot of people out in the world who read books about how to do the techniques and then charge a lot of money for their services when in fact they have not done any inner work at all but pretend they have. I can spot them really fast. They want to be something their not. Ok I went off topic, oh well, my lesson here is to stay more focused on what I blog about , perhaps.  The rabbit trail has many openings.

Your Money Trailblazer

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Loving the Fearful ME

I just did some tapping on my fears. And I know it goes a long way back in my family history. Most people back then lived in constant fear and worry. They had to make their own food to survive. They had to build their own businesses to make ends meet. Is it any wonder that some of us are still living in the same patterns of ancient times? We live in fear of ourselves and we don't know how to get out of the way of fear.

It still runs in the minds of many people today. There is fear all around us, on TV, in the news, on newspapers. People are addicted to their own fears. It 's a mental health condition. It's a disease of the mind. It was created many years ago and no one has come up with a pill to fix the problem. The drugs we use on mental health issues works opposite to what it needs to be doing. Mental education on what is happening in the brain with all these beliefs that we created long long ago, are still reeking havoc in our daily lives.

Some people get really fearful and then the anger sets in because they are so fearful they don't know what else to do but get angry. Then they lose control of their own thoughts and do something they regret later, because for a split second, they became unconscious in the world they live in. Shame is also attached to the fearfulness.

When we don't discuss our fears in life with others, they become illnesses. Illnesses are manifested in many ways. If fear is out of control in our lives, we become desperate and dangerous. The adrenaline
attaches to the fear response and we will do whatever we can to get whatever we think we need. Addicts are a great example of this mental illness disorder. They have built a brain system that when needed,  fires up in a matter of seconds. Automatically, without them even thinking how to do it. They have programmed it so well that it works for them without their consent. The brain is so smart that it knows what to do and will listen to the orders it is given , even if the orders does not support the person at tow.

What to do? When you have a mechanism in the brain that is programmed to always look for trouble, and you are unaware that this is not a good thing, it seems like a losing battle. A brain battle. There is a part of you that knows that what you are doing is not right, but still the brain says yes , and you do it anyway. What a chaotic way of life to live. What a waste of time with a wonderful brain that can do marvellous things for you and your life. You have more power over your brain than it has over you once you decide to take charge and action in changing the way you see and do things. Life is not meant to be lived in fear and shame. It is meant to be lived in love and joy.

Your Money Trailblazer

Money Monday

There's a part in Gail's book that I love to read often when she reminds me that I cannot save $10000 until I save $1000. And I cannot save $1000 until I save $100.And I cannot save $100 until I save $10. This approach seems a lot more achievable when I think of it this way. I don't know why I've been so interested in managing my money in the past 5 years. Perhaps it's because I see so much money being wasted in other people's lives and it makes me aware of my money.
I have a reminder on a piece of paper that I wrote down that says," A part of all I earn is mine to keep" That motivates me to keep finding ways towards my goals. I can't give up on my dream. It seems out of reach right now, but I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. Today I have decided that I will take ten dollars with me and try not to spend it all. That's all I'm allowing myself to carry. I started this job on May 11 and my boss never told me that they were going to send me a check for my first pay. Which I'm still waiting for. I finally get a two weeks paycheck this Friday. I owe $320 between two people. I borrowed money from them buy food, gas and fix my truck to keep me going. Thank God for friends.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have to struggle so much around money issues. I watch people spend money like it was leaves blowing in the wind and I think to myself, " If they can do it , why can't I do it too" But my story with money is different. I have to remind myself that they could be in a lot of credit card debt. I was debt free a year ago too. I now owe $4000 in debt on my credit card of course. It's not a lot, but it still hangs on my mind. It have placed my card in a sealed envelop and have written on the envelop in big letters " I NEED AN EMERGENCY FUND FIRST, AN EMERGENCY FUND IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BUY. DO YOU REALLY NEED THIS? " And I leave it in a drawer at home.
See the credit card company gave me a $1000 limit when I first got the card. Then after a year , they decided to give me a $4000 limit. Which I took because I was at my limit and I really needed the money. So now I am focusing on paying it in full. but also working on my emergency fund at the same time. This way if something happens, I might have enough funds in my emergency fund to cover the cost. Hopefully nothing happens.
Maybe I have to go through this money trail story myself because I know alot of people can relate to all of it. My goal is to start saving some, not all, but some of my money in gold with my side business which I might go more into detail later. There are not many people that understand the true value of owning gold at the moment, but they will. And the great thing is that it is affordable for me to buy. 
I do make a few extra dollars here and there with old jobs, so I have to start taking that money and put it to good use instead of spending it on stuff. I can "go to town" when it comes to buying thing to plant in my garden. I haven't bought anything this year, yet. I only used what I had last year and have planted a few things that I will be able to eat. Every bit helps. So it is best for me to stay focused and remember that my strengths are determination, perseverance, loyalty and courage,
Have to get ready for work
Tilling the Money Trail

Keep your chin up

I have been working more hours lately, which helps me a lot in my finances, but I'm still not out of the woods yet. My credit card company wants me to come up with $222.00 by July 23 to bring me up to speed with my financial recovery program that they offered me to help me to get caught up. It would be great if I had the money to give them, but my rent and food comes first. Then they want me to give them another $222 by August to cover the remaining payment.

It feels unreasonable to me that I have to give them that amount of money. I'm not strong enough to hold two jobs. So they will have to come up with a better plan for me that will work for each of us. I am still recording my daily expenses so I can track where I'm spending my money and so far it is working. The other day I broke down because I feel so embarrassed about what I do for a living. I don't want to tell people I'm a cashier. With all the courses I have taken and the skills I have developed in my life so far, it doesn't seem right to me that I have to work so hard for so little money.

It feels like I'm starting from scratch again. Renting a room, working for less then minimum wage. Working on finding ways to make my life work for me. I had to make a decision to spend less time with a friend I hang out with. She dismisses everything I say or do with my life even my financial inspiration. I find that I end up not feeling good about myself because she puts me down a lot. I also see her do it to other people. And she wonders why no one has time to hang out with her. The ones that do probably just tolerate her behavior. 

It's a bad habit and bad habits are hard to break. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a project to her for her to fix. I'm not sure how I will tell her what I found out about myself through her, because if I do, she will just dismiss that as well. I am feeling better since I have not hung out with her this week. I won't keep making excuses so that I can avoid being around her. I am thinking of making her an offer and let her know that if she prefers to stay the way she is and keep treating me the way she does and not have me around as much,  I can live with that. Or I could give her the option that I will hang out with her once every 10 days for one hour. That seems reasonable enough. I can always use my financial situation as a way out of doing things with her because I've put myself on a really tight budget for awhile. I know she doesn't like that because she believes differently and that is fine. I still have to take care of me.

And that is what I am still learning to do. I don't hate my job, but it's definitely not my dream job. I get to interact with a lot of customers in a day. I am managing my money better today then I was yesterday. It's just a matter of consistency.

Your Money Trailblazer 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Moving into Prosperity

Well I finally am settled into my new room. It was a four hour move, I had more stuff then I anticipated and the room I'm renting is smaller then I imagined it. So I had to declutter and give some items away. This was a good thing because clutter in the room is clutter in the mind. I am loving my new roommates and landlady. We are going to get along just fine. Still getting use to the new area, it's been along time since I moved.

I knew in my heart that I would find the perfect place if I gave myself the time I needed. It worked out better then I could imagine. I feel like I have a new lease on my life. I'm finally out of a basement room which I have been for the past 10 years. It feels great to wake up in the morning and be able to look outside into the world. The small things people take for granted. 

My boss was suppose to give me my paycheck on Friday and is accountant happen to forget my pay. So that means I have to wait till Monday to get mine. I was not impressed with this as I had to ask him for a cash advance because I am temporary out of cash at the moment because the moving cost me a bit of money. So I have enough gas to get to work on Monday and that about it.

It is definitely not a good feeling not having a few dollars. My budgeting is still on track. I have my envelops all set up. I just need to work on getting some money ahead. I plan to take out $250 each paycheck for my rent which is $450 a month. The little extra I will use to get one months rent ahead. Then I have my truck insurance which is $135 a month plus property insurance which is $20. My cellular phone is a bit behind, I owe $220 to get it up to date. Then my biggest one is my one and only credit card that I have to get ahead on.

I also have to keep in mind that I will have to pay to get my mail and driver's license address changed
and all the other addresses that I have online and beyond. That's a big task. I can only do it in time.
This week I have to go give a relaxation treatment to my friend, and go to my sacred place to give thanks for my blessings of my new home. That's all for now

Your Money Trailblazer