
Friday, July 15, 2016

Put your Rain Coat on

" Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" Rumi

I truly believe this. I really think that if we all loved ourselves fully, we would not need to seek to find love in our lives from others. I must be in love with finding ways to better manage my money, because it's all I focus on. If I get invited to go out somewhere, the first thing I think about is , how much money do I have and can I swing it. I'd like to start my own healing money group with people who can relate to this topic without getting involved in a 12 step program. They don't work for me. They are too limited to what you can share int he groups. You can't share what works for you unless it has to do with the program. That seems a bit controlled to me. And you have limited time to share also, so then you can't share all the things you'd like to say. It's not for me.

I prefer to keep learning how to choose the path to least resistance.  We resist things all the time. The other day, three young people stormed into out store because it was poring rain outside. Not one of them had a raincoat. They preferred to get soaking wet then have to comfort of being dry. There is a huge mount of resistance in this . They saw the rain when they left the house, but still chose to walk out in it. They resisted to make a better feeling choice. Did they not think that the rain would get their clothes wet? Common sense to me says that water does soak in clothing.

So what is it about resisting the better things for ourselves? If they would have chosen the path to least resistance, they would have chosen to put a water proof garment on themselves, because they cared enough about their well being to take the action needed. Why is that so difficult for them to grasp? It's probably because they don't care about themselves. They didn't care if they got wet and damp and cold. It's almost like they anticipated the joy of complaining about it later to others.

My truck was in the shop that day, and I was going to take the bus home, but when I saw how unpredictable the weather was and I knew I would have to walk a fair amount without protection, I had decided to spend the money on a cab. But that didn't happen. My boss offered to drive me home. When you are connected to your higher intelligence, you understand that the weather is a great teacher. I teaches to those that are open to learning about themselves. The rain is a signal that if you don't take care of yourself, you will get wet. No question about that.

Loving yourself is work. Appreciating that you have a choice to get the things you need in life that supports you, if a gift. You feel better when you have your coat on, then when you have your coat on. That is the path of least resistance.  You don't have much money in your checking account and your going some place and your spending it all. That's not the path of least resistance. Don't write the check, don't hand them the credit card.

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