
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Stan for YOUR life

Well it was a great feeling to have completed my Sex and Intimacy seminar. What I got out it would replace 40 years of therapy.  I went in with no confidence of having a conversation with men or money, and I came out with the feeling that I can handle any conversation I would have with men or money. I have also discovered that I can continue on my self investigation on men and money in my next seminar which starts in two weeks. I am looking forward to the many lessons I will learn about myself through the sharing of others.

I was talking with two people that where in my group about creating the possibility of being extraordinary with money in my life and I have inspired both of them also to take on this possibility. What joy this brings to my heart, knowing I am making a difference in peoples lives.I can't wait to see what will show up around shame, anger, resentment and fear around money for me. It could be very interesting.

I will discover what stories I am telling myself with money. What my rackets are around not wanting to save money.  Everyone of us has rackets with money. It is the story we repeat continuously  to ourselves. The protest in the States right now is a perfect example of rackets. Anger is a racket. It takes power over us by allowing us to express our opinions. When this energy is expressed out into the world, it is felt globally. It shifts everything. Fear is the driving force behind anger. The fears of security for our lives and the people we love. No man can make you feel secure in your life. It has to start with you, as an individual. You are the only ones that can make yourself feel secure.

No matter who is in the head office running the show for each of us, we are the ones that have the choice to get up in the morning and make our lives great. Life is way too short to put energy into people who refuse to look at the dysfunctional immature, controlling, manipulative, humans that we have to live with. Today, I have a choice. I can make MY life great. I don't have to wait for anyone to do it for me. I invite you all to think about it, and do the same for yourself. Individual power collaborates with the universe much stronger and faster than any protest put together. Stand for your life.

Your Money Trailblazer

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