
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Moving towards my Greatness

I'm the process of moving today. As I have been changing my beliefs around money, so had my life been changing. I am moving to a community that has a live in a higher tax bracket that I would have not normally looked at. But I am learning that this is part of my healing with my deserving issues. So I am very excited to get moving forward. Here is a piece that I love to read often to remind me of what  I need to do to keep my focus on managing my money Enjoy.

In this book I'm reading, it says in this archtype," That Victims generally have a litany of excuses for why they are not more successful, and their excuses are all bases on their historical mythology. For the Victim Archtype to shift, they must learn to understand and heal their past wounds."

So I was awake at 3am this morning, not feeling too good about myself and my financial situation I'm in. And I knew that there was a deeper process happening that I couldn't seen to connect with. So I decided to do my restorative yoga in my pyramid while meditating on the thoughts I was having.

I laid still for some time and this thought came to me," I don't feel safe in the world" Humm OK , I can understand where that came from and also could relate to how it would block me from becoming successful in life. I feel safe in my cocoon, alone in my room, where no one sees me. I look out my window and see the blue sky, and I know it's going to be a very hot day today. I have to go to my new job which I'm not very happy with, but have no other choice at the moment. The pay I'm getting will hardly cover my rent at the end of this month. I may have to do something else.

The next thought I had laying still was " I'm always going to struggle through life." These two thoughts block me from ever becoming successful in anything I aim to do in life. So how to I shift these limiting beliefs. I can turn them around so instead of , I don't feel safe in the world, I could say, I feel safe in the world, but it doesn't fee true to me at my core. So I have to find a way or a place where I can feel safe in the world. That probably would be in nature. I don't know why that came up but I feel I have to try that. Oh I just got one for this statement, the world is safer than I think.

The other thought is , I'm always going to struggle through life. Is that true? I'm not sure that this statement is in fact true because I don't know what tomorrow will bring. So the reverse of this statement must be, life is easier then I thought, or think. Which one is it? Easier then I thought, put me in the past, easier then I think puts me in the present. So I have to go with , life is easier then I think. That thought would have come from the years of mental conditioning from my parents repeatedly telling me that life is hard and tough.

I will place these two statement where I can read them often each day until I shift those negative thought patterns and see if something else is attached to those statements.

Moving into my greatness

Your Money Trailblazer


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hopeful Money Habits

In order to succeed financially , I am loving tracking my income and expenses because it validates my success, even though they might be minor at this moment. Taking baby steps towards my goal, is a step in the right direction. One reason I am doing this is to help me shift the way I feel about money.

There are things that you know about your money problems, like the fact that you don't have money. You know that you don't have money. Then there are things that you know that you don't know about your money, like you don't know how your going to pay the next bill that comes up. But there are things that you don't know that you don't know about your money. Those things are the thoughts that you think about your money on a daily bases at a deeper subconscious level. Like the patterns and limited beliefs that block you from creating more money in your life.

We want relief around money issues. We want to be able to breathe without worrying about bills. Staying in the feeling of hopefulness can help you focus on the goal with money that you want to reach for yourself. If anger with money stays in your vibration, money has little chance to stay in your life. This little piece of paper that we generate immense power over, will continue to hold us in immunity of striving for our greatness.

My job is to train myself to start a new hopeful story about my relationship with money. This new story will bring power to the way I share my story with others and will also bring power to the energy of my disciplined habits around money. Become quietly hopeful. There is no point sharing your hopefulness with others when you have not yet built the spark of hopefulness inside yourself first. Once that spark shines bright enough, people will begin to notice that there is something about you that radiates hopefulness. And then you can share your story around money.

Getting rid of your excuses is your first step towards getting a new hopeful story around money. It must come from action. Talking about doing something about your current situation will never amount to freedom with money. What I found is that there is an advantage in struggle. That there is an advantage in sacrifice. There is also an advantage in drama. There is advantage in entertaining drama. and because I believe that there is an advantage in the struggle, that's my default place. That's where I go to. Hang in this for a moment. Because at every opportunity that I experience struggling or sacrifice, there was a moment that I turned the situation around. I would not have had this opportunity and lesson if I had not gone to this lower place in my life. That is a gift. Not a lot of people realize this, and that is why I believe that we have so many gifts that we have yet to uncover once we find the courage to uncover them and start creating our life purpose.

There must be something in it for you to want to stay in the energy of struggle. What do I need to do in order to find relief in the circumstances I'm in at this moment? Did you have to defend yourself in a strong way when you were younger perhaps? "Drama is deliberately or indeliberately, purposely or by default, choosing a vibration that is not in alignment with the way the Universe sees it. and holding myself there until it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Drama is trying to fix things through action rather then at the early stages....through vibrational shifting."

Your Money Trailblazer

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Worthiness builds Trust

When I'm not in alignment with my vision on managing my money well, I'm not feeling the vibration of worthiness in myself. It has been a long time working on finding how to feel the feeling of worthiness within me. When you don't know how it truly feels, how can you focus on manifesting more of it. It can be as simple as sitting by the river for me. I feel good when I sit there just admiring the flow of the river, it feels good to me, so therefore, I feel the worthiness of the moment of appreciating the beauty and the peacefulness of the water.

It can also be the dedication in myself working on changing my money patterns. My trust issues have come up lately. It has made me aware that I still have to work on building ways to learn to trust myself more. How do you start to learn to trust yourself when all your life you have been taught to not trust anyone? Trust is a big topic. It's a lot to take in all at once. But I believe that the more you learn to trust in yourself, you will realize that you will find that the decisions you make in your life will be gauged by the level of trust you have built in yourself.

I'm still on tract today with keeping tract of my money coming in and money going out. And the more I do this, the more I am teaching myself that I can trust what I am doing is working for me. Which will add strength in trusting myself more. When I add worthiness to this mixture, it's like adding sugar to the flour. When I send a message out into the universe that I believe I am worthy of the simple things in life, like watching the river flow, the universe hears what I am sending and it responds with kindness. The world is a kind loving place. Man has turned it into something it's not.

I am receiving gifts that I need to honor, because the universe is telling me that I am worthy of a great life. So I am learning to watch for the signs and asking for  guidance and direction in what I a meant to do with these gifts I am receiving. Because I have taken action on managing one thing, like my money, the ripple has been set in motion. The fortune of greatness is on it's way to me now. It is possible to have a great life. The world is a place of opportunity and there is opportunity every moment of every day when you are open to it.

Everyday we miss thousands of moments of opportunities because we are so caught up in our day to day lives. We create chaotic circumstances out of our uncontrolled emotional states that does nothing for our well being. The madness of our emotions has gone haywire. Too many people have lost control of their emotions. They allow the emotions to control their actions. Which can have major consequences. The pain is buried so deep inside that it feel like it's just too big to dig to the surface. So it stays there, fermenting until the heat from the emotions tips the boiling point. Then it's too late. You've lost total control. And we all wonder why the world is the way it is.

It is fascinating to see how emotions play in people lives when they are unaware of who is in control. We have lost our solidity and centeredness in ourselves. People listen to other people way too much. It's distracting your thoughts and getting you off your own alignment with your life's path. When you are talking to other people, you are not listening to your own guidance. When we stop the argument that we are having with ourselves and really start looking at the emotions that we are feeling and learn to understand the underlying cause of that emotion, our world will shift tremendously.

Your Money Trailblazer    

Friday, June 24, 2016

Intimacy with Money

" By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the ....effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experience of you life." Gary Zukav Author of Seat of the Soul

The feelings we all have about money comes from our past. It is the past that creates the future. By keeping the feelings around money what does not serve us, we choose not to move forward with our lives. Mainly because it is the thoughts that we have set in our minds, that are believed into manifestation. So therefore, we create what we believe around money. If we think money is tights, and we feel money is tight, we create tight conditions around money. Because we believe it to be true.

Right now I have created a work environment that supports me emotionally. The people I work with are good people, the job is not very stressful, the hours I work are working for me. The only thing is the money they pay per hour is just over eleven dollars and hour. How can any employer expect someone to live on $1200 a month? I feel it should be a law that if you cannot provide enough money to support your employees enough hours to live on, you should not hire them.

These part time hours jobs have created more poverty conditions in the world then anything else. People are forced to work two to three even four jobs a week just to get by. People don't feel they are supported in their workplace anymore. And no one does anything about it. Our intimacy with money is corrupted to the very core of our being. Not a lot of people value the potential of what money can bring to them in their live because they don't have the wherewithal to allow themselves the strength to even look at the condition they have created with money in their lives.

We complain more about the lack of money then we care to admit. Complaining about it and not doing anything about the condition we decided to live by, doesn't change anything. If you want something to change , you must do something about it. Dr. Wayne Dyers words still hold true in my mind, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." If we keep looking at money with a lack mentality, our lack mentality will keep attracting the same  situations in our lives.

Since I have decided to become intimate with my money, things have improved. I have more money today then when I first started to take charge of my money. I am showing the universe that I am allowing myself to be more responsible with my money, and what happens is, more money tends to show up. Not a lot yet, but I'm in a lot better shape then when I first started. And the more energy I put into being intimate and responsible with my money, the more money will show up in ways that I probably haven't imagined yet. It takes discipline and persistence to adopt a habit of changing how you feel around money. 

Look at money as a teacher of great wisdom, because it can teach us a lot about ourselves if we let it do it's job. Money can motivate you into greatness when the right attitude it is focused.

Your Money Trailblazer

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Questioning what I deserve

Even though I question what I deserve at times, I choose to love and accept myself anyway. Even though I wonder what I really deserve. And maybe I have some doubts. Based on old misunderstandings. Do I really deserve more? Do I really deserve better? And maybe sometimes, I look at what other people have and I question whether they deserve it. And I choose to stop wasting my time on that. I don't even have to spend time wondering what I deserve from the universe. Or what I deserve from other people. I choose to focus on what I deserve from myself.

Do I deserve better from myself? Almost certainly. Do I take good care of myself? Do I treat myself with love and respect? Do I take advantage of opportunities? There's so many resources out there. Do I allow myself to use them for the highest good of all concerned? Am I doing what I can do? And that maybe I deserve better. I choose to know that I do. I deserve better from myself. And I'm not saying that to beat up on myself. It's just a matter of recognition. I choose to acknowledge how I treat myself. And acknowledge that I deserve better. And I'm clearing of whatever gets in the way of treating myself better. Looking at how I take care of myself. And I'm saying to myself," I deserve better than that."

So then why don't I take better care of myself? If there's more that I could be doing with my work. Ways that I could be advancing myself. And I'm not doing those things. I chose to say to myself, I deserve better then that. So then why don't I do more. What stops me from doing those things that would take better care of me? Allowing myself to remember  things that might have happened in the past where I got the message that I didn't deserve better. Maybe I was treated poorly and I decided, I guess that's what I deserve. And that's a misunderstanding. And how can anyone else treat me better, if I don't show that I believe that I deserve better.

I deserve to treat myself with great care. I deserve to treat myself as thought I deserve the best from life. And I'm making use of what I've got. I have plenty of opportunity and resources to create a much better life for myself. I'm allowing myself to know that I deserve that. And I'm allowing myself to take advantage of these opportunities. I deserve better and I'm giving it to myself. Not in a way that takes away from others. This isn't just about taking. Because I deserve better then that to. I deserve to live a life of integrity. Maybe I haven't always done that. And I'm acknowledging that I deserve better. I'm treating myself with love. I'm treating myself with respect. I'm treating myself as someone who matters. And I deserve that.

And so it is

Your Money Trailblazer

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Problem is part of the Solution

"The guilt that I feel is the indication of the goodness and the perfection of where I stand because if it weren't like that, my deprivation of it wouldn't be there. "

I'm feeling a bit angry today. The anger still comes from needing to spend money for things I need like food and gas to get to work. I'm not sure if what I'm doing is working or not. I don't have any support from people in my life telling me it is. Probably because the result of what I working on are not manifesting yet. It's definitely a challenge to sit with your financial state when that state of borderline defeat lingers overhead.

I'm barely making enough money to care for myself. I owe people money and I think that is my biggest concern. It's the fact that I own people money. That weights heavy on my shoulders. I owe $100 to one friend, and $200 to another person I worked with last winter, and I'm behind on my cel phone bill and I'm maxed out on my credit card, thank God I only have one. And I owe 6 healing sessions to another friend who lent me $300. Since she's a senior, I change $50 a session. My plan is to give 4 people $50 each to show them I working towards paying them.  I have money to cover my rent for next month, and a few dollars left for food and gas. And people think it's not stressful not having enough money. That is my victim story that I want to stay in because it makes be feel like I'm not worthy of a great life.

I've been tapping a lot on the topic of deserving. It must be shifting some blocks that I'm not aware of yet. Perhaps by writing down how I'm really feeling, will help uncover the deeper issues that are driving these feeling to the forefront. It seems I tend to want to complain about my situation more then I tend to look at the positive things I am doing. What tends to happen with me is that I don't realize I'm doing it , because I've been doing it for so many years that it feel normal for me. Shifting into feeling grateful is not a concept that I allow myself to adopt very often. Perhaps it's a state of emotion that I need to consider as a daily practice.

I'm $4500 in debt plus the friends I owe to. That's it. I'm so close to being debt free I can almost taste the freedom. If I can just keep my focus on achieving this freedom, I while have accomplished what most people are thriving for in this life. It seems foreign to me to be without debt.

So being grateful today means to me that I have a job, I'm strong enough to work at this job, I have a place to move to, I have the money to pay my next months rent, I have a few friends that are willing to help me move to my new place. I really need to go general with my thoughts. This helps me de-stress my current situation. When I'm over this hump of paying everybody I owe and can start focusing on the credit card debt I owe, It will boost my self confidence. It's the lack of self confidence in myself that I seem to be lacking at the moment. That I can change. I need to keep finding a way to accomplish effective results. Focusing on this will help build my self confidence

Your Money Trailblazer

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Deserving Link

When you look in the bank for the money that isn't there, how do you feel? When you look in the moment at the money that is there, even if it's five dollars, can you see that you have a better chance of feeling good even thought it's only five dollars? Being grateful that you have money is the feeling you are reaching for in the moment. stay with that feeling many times a day.

"The money isn't in the bank yet, and when I look at the money that isn't in the bank yet, that I want and need, I feel negative emotion. And the negative emotion is because I'm looking in the wrong place. I'm looking in the bank instead of the vibrational reality. If you'll look in the vibrational reality of where it is, now you'll vibrate with the source within you, and you'll feel wonderful. And when you feel wonderful, that's the condition that is necessary for thoughts to turn to things."

The issues around deserving has come up today very intensely. It surrounds my life. When I think of how I have treated myself in respect of deserving better for myself, it has not been my main focus in life. Deserving better selfishness. The kind that allows you to be proud of the accomplishments that you have achieved in your life so far. I've had a lot of spiritual accomplishments, but not many around financial accomplishments.

Teaching yourself how to become financial independent is a task no one want to undertake. But it plays an important role in how you choose to treat yourself in this lifetime. Without a stable financial background with monetary language, you end up devoting your life to limited beliefs that your not even aware of, that run a muck on your life choices. Being careless with money means you couldn't care less about you.

I'm glad that this issue has surfaced today, because I need to take a deeper look at how this affects me and my life. Where did I pick up the belief that I don't deserve a better life for myself? Why would I believe that I don't deserve? There's a deep sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Did I download from someone the pattern that taking responsibility for myself is just to much for me to handle? Or have I been waiting all my life for someone to show up to teach me how to do it? It really makes me think. Do I take baby steps on this subject or go head on with the process?

Deserve........deserve........deserve.....I deserve.....I deserve..... I deserve
These words don't even resonate inside me. How interesting. It's like I have to force myself to feel that I deserve....which feels foreign .....that I would be  taking something from someone else and I don't want to do that. Ah ha! There is guilt attached to it....It comes from when I was told many times as a child that I should be grateful for what I have because there are lots of children that don't have what I got as a child, therefore the guilt is the block that stops me from feeling that I deserve anything more then what I already have. OMG!!!!!    That is what I call a breakthrough.

 "I download from someone the pattern that taking responsibility for myself is just to much for me to handle" Here's another one. This came from when my mother placed my money in the bank when I was a child, because I was too young to handle money, but I read this as, " I am not old enough to be responsible with money" Crap ,,,lol,,,,I'm still running on this old program. WOW that's enough for me to ponder on for this evening.

Your Money Trailblazer

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Integrity around Money

A lot of people enjoy the freedom that comes with money. Of course, they have learned how to be responsible around taking care of what they have earned or even inherited. The Law of Attraction has made a huge hit in this world with some people. But with others, who are doing the affirmations day after day, and not getting any results, are perhaps getting frustrated that it doesn't seem to be working for them for some reason.

If your story around money sounds something like this," I have lots of debt." I can't pay my bills" I can't seem to have enough money to do what I want." " I hate money" " Managing money is not worth the effort" " The more I work, the more money I spend" " I will just buy a bigger lottery ticket and maybe I will win this time" These are all stories that we tell ourselves everyday around money. And with all the effort we put into the affirmations around attracting the money we want, as long as these other thoughts linger in our brain, all the affirmations in the world won't help us to attract our fortunes.

You must do it for yourself first, before you can do it for anyone else. No one can do it for you. No one has and no one will. I have never been taught in school how to manage my money before I get into the world. Sure , makes total sense to me. Who is running this system? It makes me wonder if we were not set up to fail from the very beginning with money.

We blame everything around money. I was asked this week if I had finished the bookkeeping course I had started a few years ago, and I said, I didn't have the money to finish it, but I had the money to do something else that came along. Can you see how up surd that sounds? We do this all the time, day in and day out. We blame money for this and that. It's not about the money. Blame has nothing to do with it. It's how we allow money to treat ourselves.

When we are in a bad mood around money, we create that in our world. Money doesn't have a mood. Remember , it's paper. But when our mood around money is feelings of sadness, anger, hate, jealousy, trust issues, worry, pain, all these emotional states keep us stuck by viewing money in a negative way, therefore it never has a chance to change into a more productive , supportive life giving entity that it really is. What would life look like if there was no money in the world? Could we survive? I believe we could, because we would learn to exchange our resources with one another through compassion and kindness for one another because we would value the importance of life. We know that we cannot live without food and water, We would share what we have because we cared.

We have all the resources on the planet. Money has nothing to do with it at all, You don't need money to plant a seed in the ground when you can take a seed from another plant. There is always a different way to look at money. How can we find a currency word about money that feels free, that feels secure, that feels easy, that feels nice. As you find those feelings, you have accomplished a wobble free moment while you focused on the abundance of currency or money. When you can hold on to this stress free mindset for more then a minute, you can feel the difference in how you perceive the way you look at money. Just stay in this state more often and you will notice that things in your life will begin to change with money. It has to. Give yourself permission to experience the freedom of choosing another way to feel about money,

In the next few days, when you think about money, don't think about where it's coming from. Think about the vibrational currency that you have access to right this minute. I want you to think about the emotion that you can accomplish right hear and now. Because the emotion is the first manifestation. If you don't allow yourself to experience the first emotion of shifting how you feel around money, the later manifestation with money will never be manifested. This is how you turn thoughts into things.

"But it's so hard to feel good around money when your knee deep in debt" I can hear you. Yes it is hard to change the way you see that because when you have lived your entire life being negative around money, how can you expect it to change overnight? Well you can't. But think of it this way, if you stay in that way of thinking, you will never change your situation. There is no money involved in this challenge. It won't even cost you a dime. What's the excuse you are using , " I can't do this"

You have to practice the emotional feeling first long enough, so that your stable in it. When your in fear around money, your vibration is wobbling out of alignment with your resources. When your stable in it long enough so that the momentum is going to ensue, then things are going to show up for you. Then you are going to experience things that will confirm to you that you have the ability to change your situation around money. Once this happens, you will realize the power you have over money like never before. That will excite you to keep doing this more often.

Your Money Trailblazer

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Frequency of Money

Today I have decided to reset my money frequency. It is about time I grow up and take responsibility for my life. A year or so ago, maybe even two years ago, I had been practicing the habit of writing down everything that came in and went out. I got to a place that I was doing really well. But something happened. The jobs I attracted weren't working out for me. Then all the money I saved up was used for some kind of emergency and I had to start all over again. It was just darn frustrating to me. I got depressed about it and gave up.

I have gotten my money envelops out again and also made up a tracking sheet to record my income and expenses. I keep this sheet beside my laptop which I use everyday, morning or night so it is in my view. It is the only was to teach my brain that this is the only process of tracking my money that can work for me. I have to commit to this or else I will keep struggling with money. I have a friend that has the attitude of just going with the flow of life and the money she needs will just show up when she needs it. But I watch how much she struggles and I have been listening to her suggestions far too long. It doesn't work for me. I have to take charge again of my own money.

The frequency around money for her is that she lacks the integrity of being responsible for taking care of herself financially. That is a low frequency. I can tell that she is in a low frequency by how she feels and by what is happening with her. She barely gets by some months. She is resistant to looking for a regular job, she does do her own thing by house and pet sitting, but it's just not working for her and that is her choice and I have to respect the fact that she decides to live this way. So be it.

I have a choice. I can choose to live by her beliefs about money, which doesn't work for me or I can take action and raise my frequency of responsibilities with my money. Which is what I am now doing. You can start anytime, It's never too late. If you have created a habit of just observing what is happening around money , the bills are pilling up, etc. bills are compelling. When the bills show up, they get your attention.

It s your attention to how you view your situation with money that's important. If you view money as evil and bad, each time you have an interaction with money, that frequency about money is your destination point. It is the course of action in your thoughts that you have set upon your reality. It's about changing the story that you have with money to a more powerful story. One that you can believe in this moment. Creating a story about money that you can believe in is really simple. One example is," I am capable of putting my focus on respecting the money I earn" " I can start with one simple action that will turn my money situation around"

Money has no power over me. I am the one that is giving my power to money. When this happens , we have no power with money. Money then has a mind of it's own, so to speak. It's just a piece of paper. We worry more about this little piece more then anything in on this planet. And for what? It puts us in a state of despair, worry, grief, anger, and even depression. More people lose control over themselves due to a piece of paper then any other addiction. I'm going to say it and I know you are not going to like the next statement, but money is an addiction.

We have been trained to want more of it, and the more we have , the more we want. And if we have lots of it, we are reluctant to share it with anyone because we need it. Doesn't that sound the same as a drug and alcohol addiction? I don't believe you need millions and billions and trillions of dollars to live a happy comfortable life. I believe that there is enough money in the world for everyone to live a comfortable, reasonable, productive life with less then a million dollars that"s if you learn how to manage the money you have created for yourself and others. We must learn to teach others that money is not the end all and be all of life. Money is a tool that help us to live life the way we chose to live it. We all want freedom around money, but it takes courage to look at money issues. If you keep your money issues a secret, it has the power to destroy marriages, families, friendships, jobs, careers. Is it really worth it for a piece of paper?

Your Money Traiblazer

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Advantage of Money

Got lots of insights yesterday around my money patterns. After my visit with the bank yesterday, I discovered that one of my core beliefs is, " I have money and then I don't" This belief causes self abuse patterns. I recognize that when I have issues around money, then more challenging the issue, the deeper the pattern is around that belief.

Self abuse is manifested in many different ways. It shifts you to look at your self and the ways you create what is showing up for you in your life to be healed and transformed. Many times I have looked at the beliefs around money and myself, but I forget to look at how the pattern plays in to my life with money. Money causes grief because I let money have power over me. The minute I have money in my life , it decides where it need to go. If I see something I really like or "think" I need, I allow my emotional radar to make that decision, instead of taking my power and learning to value the money I've earned.

I'm cutting the cords to these beliefs with a technique I keep using for other beliefs. It teaches the brain centers to disconnect the neuropathways which are attached to these beliefs. The same as when you quit an addiction. So what I have to do is create a new neuropathway around money to help my brain adopt a new belief around money. By doing this, my old belief will get weaker and will eventually let go. Doing this is a process, you have to work at it.

So I've decided to once again track my spending and train my brain that it's ok to look at the money I earn and spend and save. The habit of saving money is more important then the amount. The habit of tracking my money is more important then not tracking my money. Because if I don't, I don't know where my money goes. Saving my receipts and putting them in a box doesn't show me what I do with my money. Not everybody wants to do this type of daily work. You have to be committed to practice
writing down your earnings. You have to be willing to look at money in a new way and not be afraid to try new things. Money is going to be in my life for a very long time, so I might as well learn use it to my advantage.

What I will start doing today is get one of my book's on money and start reading it. This will keep my mind focused on learning good habits around money. Allowing myself to not be afraid to look at what I need to change. I've done it before and became quite successful at tracking my spending. I can't use the excuse anymore that I need to make more money before it's worth my time and effort to start tracking it. That's an excuse. Tracking is a form of self love for myself. I am giving myself permission to track the money I earn so I can create the life I deserve.

I just did some tapping around resisting a breakthrough and what came up in the session is that I realized that my inner child is resisting me to having money because she believes that I can't handle it, which I can connect to my childhood experiences with money Her secret subconscious sabotaging behaviors are surfacing. Secrets keep you sick. When you don't know what  you don't know about yourself, it can create a world that doesn't serve you and your best intentions. Intentions are powerful, but limited beliefs will override the best intentions in the end. So it a must to uncover what you don't know that you don't know so that you can reprogram the self sabotaging, self abusing limited beliefs in order to move ahead in life.

Your Money Trailblazer

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Emotionally Hostage to Money

Each day I look at how I can improve the way I see money working in my life and this morning, as I first woke up , this thought came up," Money keeps me hostage" I'll be tapping on this  for sure. If so.... how? Is that true? Money keeps me hostage? Well, when people live paycheck to paycheck and have just enough money to pay rent, buy food and pay bills, it seems like money does try to keep you hostage. You end up not valuing what money can do for you other then buy the bare necessities in life. I can understand why so many people feel so discouraged around money. Even suicide is connected to money.

I look at this and wonder if I had more money, would my circumstances change? Is more money the answer? If I had more money, would I feel grateful for the little things I do have. What I need to focus on daily is to look for the thoughts that provide relief around money. This way I am creating peace around money for myself which turns around the feeling of being hostage to money. Being in a state of peace around money releases the bars of steel that we build, which creates a cage around our thoughts and therefore doesn't allow opportunities to unlock our true potential.

Have we not built a world that feels emotionally hostage to money? It's on everyone's mind. Day after day after day. I see people everyday spend hundreds of dollars on lottery tickets, hoping to get the big money, when in fact, they are giving away hundreds on dollars every day to total strangers hoping that "they" will change their lives when they hand over the big money. Is this not a hostage situation? It's a form of emotional hostage. It's manipulation at it's very core. Oh sure , I know what your thinking, yes I do buy a ticket from time to time, but I have never spent over $20 on a ticket. Please keep in mind that money only makes you more of who you already are. So if your a nice person and your broke, will you still be a nice person when your rich? I have seen how money changes people's behaviors. The key is how do you put value to money?

You know you could have ten times the debt that you do, and if you were not worried about it, you could not hold ten times the debt. In other words, the ratio of abundance would always be proportionate to the debt. When you worry about the debt, then debt gets bigger and gets out of balance. When your not worried but in understanding of the value of the debt, now the ratio of the money in and out comes more into balance. It's not the bills that creates your anger, it's the way you feel about your bills that is the cause of you feeling angry. Bills don't have feelings, you do. So by changing your perspective on how you see your bills, knowing that they are just bills and yes you need to pay your bills, if you change how you feel about your bills, you get back into balance with life. Credit card companies don't value the money they lend you, because if they did, they would not charge outrages interests fees. If money had value to them, the interest rates would be much lower so people can manage them more effectively. We must learn how to overcome this emotional hostage madness.

The value of money for me means, if I can use my money to provide relief for someone else who is open to receive without expecting something in return, I have used my money with value. Too many people today buy stuff without thinking if it has real value in their lives. It's bought out of greed, if you have one , I want one too. There is no thinking involved.

I value this blog, because it provided me the opportunity to share my thoughts with people who may or may not agree with what I write about.  And if this stuff rattles your emotional cages, then I suggest you find another blog to read, or then again, you might want to look at why you are feeling rattled. Your vibrational level is in direct proportion of how healthy your cells are in your body. That's why I love my product. It creates healthy cells which vibrate at a higher level then if they were unhealthy. Which also means that the healthier I feel, the better I feel. So 
I attract better things in my life.

Your Money Trailblazer Rattler

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Your Money Story

We all have dreams, I have a dream , you have a dream. Dreams are what we drive ourselves to achieve in life, and very few get there. Our brains are so complex and no one has shown us how to really use our brains to our full capacity, so therefore, we use the same thoughts over and over. We don't realize that by doing this day after day, we also reinforce the same thought which become stronger  and stronger creating the same results over and over continuously. This is how we create what I call Stuckness.

When we feel stuck in our lives, nothing moves forward. We feel like what ever we do, nothing seems to helps us in making our lives better. So we continue "trying" to fix the way we do things, with little results. This eventually creates frustration, anger, sadness, pain, suffering, hatred towards life and ourselves. So how can we change the way we do and see things in order to make a better life for ourselves and others?

Many people today have given up on their dreams and don't even bother anymore to work towards them. It's too hard, or it's not worth it, you say to yourself, or "it" will never happen for me. The sad part is that you don't know what tomorrow will bring and a little effort does go a long way. If it was possible for you to believe that you can actually change the way you think, then you would have this excitement inside yourself because you would know deep down that you have the power to create the life you deserve. Sometimes I really think I have to blog in order to get this stuff out of me so that I can read it for myself. Which is not a bad thing really.

The most powerful computer in the world is actually your brain. Because you can program anything in it. If you decide to learn something new, you are reprogramming your neuropathways in your brain to create what you have read. When you want to build a house, you don't sit at a desk first and draw out the plan. You have the image in your brain first and then you draw it out. It's starts in the brain. So whatever images you hold on to or have on a daily basis in your brain is the product of your creation. Close your eye for a few minutes and see what it is that you are imagining. What images are coming up for you and write them down. Then reverse the image into a positive creation by adding or eliminating what you want or don't want in the image.

Why are so many people not earning more and only living an average life- or just above average- life? It's because they chose to refuse to upgrade the outdated software that is running the programs in their brains. Your money story is driven my your subconscious thoughts which are your thoughts, your beliefs, your habits and your emotions. Everything that is connected to these are what creates your money story. We all need to exercise our body in order to keep fit. But how often do we exercise our inner body? How do we keep our brain fit? How do we keep our thoughts healthy? How do we exercise emotional fitness?

Innercise equals mental and emotional exercise. So this is what I'm going to try on my brain. I'm going to set 3 money goals that I want to achieve in 6 months. With that , I'm going to write down the affirmations that reflect my beliefs around achieving these goals and write them down each day for the next 6 months and watch what happens. If I sit back and start with excuses that I can't do this or I don't have time, or it 's not going to work, these are thoughts that are blocking me from creating the life I want to have for myself and others. So "On with the show", like Bugs Bunny would say.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Money vs health issues

Two months ago, I my health started going downhill. I have been pretty healthy and active all my life. Never been in the hospital or had to visit doctors for anything major. But I knew something was not well in me. I had completely lost my energy, could hardly eat anything but fruits and chicken. I couldn't even drive. This went on for 6 weeks. I tried everything I could think of. I was losing hope and feeling like I was dying at times. Major anxiety, heart palpitations, weakness, bloating, pain all over. chest congestion. I was baffled by my condition.

I figured I may have another bronchial infection. So I went to the clinic and the doctor gave me some antibiotics which I took for 5 days. It didn't help. So he ran some blood test and found nothing. He gave me another 5 days of antibiotics and it did nothing again. So I decided that I was going to have to figure this out for myself if I was going to survive.

One day I saw a friend of mine on Facebook. She was in the hospital. So I chatted with her and asked her what was going on. She started to tell me that she had been in the hospital 5 times in the last two weeks. No one could find out what was wrong with her. She was having the same exact symptoms as I was. I was concerned for her but also relieved in a good way that I was not the only one going through this. She told me that they had run every test they could think of, but no luck. She was getting very scared. By then I had been listening to my body and shifting my condition towards slight improvement each day.

One night when I was talking to her , she was crying in fear. I told her that I knew how she felt and I was going to ask a friend to drive me to her place and stay over night, because I knew how it felt to be alone with this condition. She was so grateful that I had taken the time to help her out, while I was still working on recovering myself.

We both started to look at all the possibilities that would cause the symptoms of what was going on. We knew that both our immune systems was compromised because the meds they put us both on would crash our system. The meds the doctors put on her were outrageously high . Over 900 mg.
Why would they be giving her such high dose in a prescription? They almost killed her.

We  were also in the same boat financially. We had not worked in weeks, had no strength to work and had no clue what to do. I had a challenge to try and convince her that what I was doing was working because she was still dealing with anxiety and fear of taking anything because of the reaction she got from the meds. That's when I decided that I could only help her as much as I could.

After a few days of taking the stuff I decided to get on which I knew was slowly helping me to get my life back, I could not convince her enough to even try it out, so I decided to just let her do her own thing. It was too hard to watch her.

Today I have started working again , my energy is almost 100 back, I can drive again after 2 months of not driving. If it wasn't for this product I would not be working today. Before I was taking this, I was using over 7 different herbs a day. With this product that a friend of mine introduced me too, I have gone down to 4 to 5 herbs a day and slowly eliminating them. This product is safe, non-toxic and native to the body. My cells were sick and damaged. I have now taken three bottles of this product so far and I can't believe how good I feel. I found the money to buy this because my health is my number one priority. Without my health I have nothing and for the few bucks that it cost to buy this, it was worth every penny. Today we have no problem spending money on big screen TV's and fancy expensive cars, or luxurious vacations, but when it comes to our health, which we cannot purchase at any store, we decide that it's too risky.

If you can't afford to buy a case of 4 bottles on your own, split the cost with someone who you know could use this. I know people in Mexico, they get three of four people together and spilt the cost between themselves and they are getting major results. There is always a way. Don't let money holds you back if your life is at stake. I know mine could have been, thank God my friend called me.

If you would like to try this without getting involved in the company, you can. The cost is a bit more because when you participate in the company you get it at wholesale cost. Retail is $197.00 Canadian plus shipping. That's about $50 a bottle each person. You start with 2 ounces a day for a week. Then if you still feel the symptoms you go up to 3 ounces the next week then 4 ounces the next week. I take 3 ounces a week. Keep doing this for three months, It's money back guarantee of you  follow the recommended dose and don't see results.

Here is my website My email is if you need some coaching on how to get and take this product. I know this product works. My friend was looking at having a kidney transplant and today she still has her kidney and it is functioning at 100 percent. Thanks to Asea. Your health is in YOUR hands, no one else's. Your body can heal itself it you give it what it needs. We live and die at a cellular level. What this product does is, it repairs the damaged cells. With all the crap that we are being fed and breath on a daily basis, our bodies cannot handle this much crap any more. We need to give it as much support as we possibly can. So it's your choice. You can either sit back and watch the rest of the world get better or you can keep trusting someone else with you our life. It's your choice. I chose to believe in this product and I am so grateful I did. I could share a lot of stories that I am hearing about but that would take awhile. Everything from MS, arteritis, cancer, back pain, eyesight, headaches, allergies, low energy, autism, ADD, chronic fatigue, and much more

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Building Wealth Bridges

"I would rather earn from 1% of a 100 people's effort, rather than from 100% of my own" John D. Rockefeller

" If someone offers you an opportunity and you are not sure you can do it, say yes, then learn how to do it later." Richard Branson

" The most successful people are the most approachable, and I think this goes with all walks of life. They are willing to share, because they realize there's is enough for everyone."

Well I picked up a book this week that has giving me a "celestial kick in the buttocks," and I am a new person with a new perspective about money.

This paragraph was one of the kicker's" It's been said that the people that you surround yourself with are the people that you are going to become like. If you surround yourself with people that aren't successful, that don't want something better, and are negative, then you're not going to break out of that mold. You need to surround yourself with people you want to be like. Not people you don't want to be like."

That hit home for me. My family doesn't understand this and will always " poo-poo " on the opportunities that fall into my lap for me to look at. That's what has happened so far. So I have decided that if I follow their advice, my dreams will never have a chance to manifest. I've also made another discovery in this book I'm reading, that we have been conditioned to believe that the only way to make money in this world is through the everyday job ( just over broke ) corporation and businesses. The only ones that make money in these places are the business owners. The biggest pyramid schemes of all times. 

Here's another  eye opener for me," In traditional businesses, you never train a replacement of a company if you decide to sell out your business. You never give away your secrets because that is your job security. In our business, it's the reverse. Everything that we know and have learned we want to teach to everyone. If you want better, you have to do something different.

No wonder they never teach us to become entrepreneurs in school. I am finally part of a community that is helping people achieve their dreams and goals. I am proud to be part of this new company that teaches people how to be successful and help other people do the same. This is a community. There is another way.

I have a dream, and I am the only one that can make this dream become a reality. Let's just say that this book has lit a fire inside me to get this done no matter what. Here's another part of the book that really hit me,"  It starts with that vision, that image, that picture. Then comes the benefit of what that picture is going to give you. It's about the emotional attachment to that benefit. You have to have a reason, an emotional reason why your doing it. In other words, when you watch a TV show of the rich and famous, it all looks really good to see how these people live. But if you don't really have a way to get there, then it's just a picture on TV. if you have a picture and then an emotional attachment to that lifestyle  that you really want and a vehicle to actually go and get it, then you have a lot of power to go do it. "

This business that I'm involved in is not taught in schools, because if you become successful at it, you would be able to retire in 5 to 10 years. What would the world do with all these people that have enough money to support themselves and never have to worry about money again? What on earth would the businesses do? What kind of world would we live in if we did not have to buy everything that is placed in our faces day after day? Would we not be happy about our success and want to share it with other people and help them get to where they want to be? How would that make us feel? I'd say pretty darn proud of ourselves.

Wouldn't our children have learned to live the same lifestyle that we had provided for ourselves, and their children also? Doesn't it sound like Heaven on Earth? So who is stopping us" Our governments for one thing. They don't want us to succeed in life because who would they have to control if everyone was happy with their lives? :)

I know what I want to do now. I want to teach and coach people how to become Financial Wealth Builders. " Each and everyone one of us has a God-given legal right for financial freedom. It's there. You just have to reach inside and pull it out. The greatest way to do that is action.

I have a vehicle that has already proven itself to me that it is achievable. I want to restore the faith in people that they can do and be whoever they want to become.  We need to learn to help each other in this world. One person at time. There are no jobs that I have come across that the boss that says,: "I will give you 20% of the sales with every customer you bring to my store that purchases a product."  

Together we can build Financial Wealth Bridges.

The biggest battle that we have to over come is in our thinking. " What's the difference between a person who makes $30,000 a year and a person that makes $30,000 a month? The only difference is that one believes they should make $30,000 a year versus the other one believes they should make $30,000 a month." That's all it is. There is no more job security. What we need is Self-Security.

There is no obligation to do the business. You can just purchase Asea share your results with your family and friends.  If you are serious about building wealth bridges with me, contact me through my website and I will support you. To be successful you need the courage to change and adapt as you move forward.